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A van Veen
Academic Work (7)
Journal article (7)
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7 records found
Study of colloidal quantum dot surfaces using an innovative thin-film positron 2D-ACAR method
Journal article (2006) -
SWH Eijt (author)
S.W.H. Eijt (author)
Stephan W.H. Eijt (author)
A van Veen (author)
H. Schut (author)
Henk Schut (author)
P.E. Mijnarends (author)
AB Denison (author)
B Barbiellini (author)
A Bansil (author)
Conceptual design of a novel high frame rate fast-neutron radiography facility
Journal article (2005) -
VO de Haan (author)
T. H J J van der Hagen (author)
T.H.J.J. van der Hagen (author)
T.H.J.J. Van Der Hagen (author)
T. H J J Van Der Hagen (author)
THJJ Van Der Hagen (author)
Tim Van Der Hagen (author)
THJJ van der Hagen (author)
T. H.J.J. Van Der Hagen (author)
T. H.J.J. van der Hagen (author)
Tim van der Hagen (author)
A Federov (author)
A van Veen (author)
P.F.A. de Leege (author)
Adhesion behaviour of CrNx coatings on pre-treated metal substrates studied in situ by PBA and ESEM after annealing
Journal article (2005) -
R Escobar Galindo (author)
A van Veen (author)
Henk Schut (author)
H. Schut (author)
G.C.A.M. Janssen (author)
GCAM Janssen (author)
RB Hoy (author)
ThM Hosson (author)
Size-dependent structure of CdSe nanoclusters formed after ion implantation in MgO
Journal article (2005) -
M.A. van Huis (author)
A van Veen (author)
Henk Schut (author)
H. Schut (author)
S.W.H. Eijt (author)
Stephan W.H. Eijt (author)
SWH Eijt (author)
BJ Kooi (author)
ThM Hosson (author)
Interface detection in poly-ethylene terepthalate-metal laminates using variable energy positron annihilation
Journal article (2005) -
R Escobar Galindo (author)
Henk Schut (author)
H. Schut (author)
A van Veen (author)
R Rastogi (author)
WP Vellinga (author)
HEH Meijer (author)
A modified blister test to study the adhesion of thin coatings based on local helium ion implantation
Journal article (2005) -
R Escobar Galindo (author)
A van Veen (author)
JH Evans (author)
H. Schut (author)
Henk Schut (author)
ThM Hosson (author)
Amorphous-amorphous transition in glassy polymers subjected to cold rolling studied by means of positron annihilation lifetime spectroscopy
Journal article (2005) -
D Cangialosi (author)
M Wübbenhorst (author)
H. Schut (author)
Henk Schut (author)
A van Veen (author)
Stephen Picken (author)
Stephen J. Picken (author)
S.J. Picken (author)