Quoc Tri Phung
6 records found
Influence of Micro-Pore Connectivity and Micro-Fractures on Calcium Leaching of Cement Pastes
A Coupled Simulation Approach
A coupled numerical approach is used to evaluate the influence of pore connectivity and microcracks on leaching kinetics in fully saturated cement paste. The unique advantage of the numerical model is the ability to construct and evaluate a material with controlled properties, wh
The objective of this study is to quantify the contributions of microstructure and molecular size of diffusing species to tortuosity, constrictivity and effective diffusivity. The microstructural effect is simulated with different sound, leached or carbonated cement pastes with v
Calcium leaching might be a significant degradation process in concrete and reinforced structures with an anticipated long-term service life such as nuclear waste disposal systems or large hydro structures (dams, bridges, water tanks). The leaching process is extremely slow under
Underground concrete structures in radioactive waste disposal have the potential to be subjected to a high hydrostatic pressure and the surrounding environment may contain a high dissolved CO2 concentration. Therefore, a combination of diffusion and advection should be
Diffusivity of saturated ordinary Portland cement-based materials
A critical review of experimental and analytical modelling approaches
This paper provides a comprehensive overview of existing experimental and modelling approaches to determine effective diffusion coefficients of water saturated ordinary Portland cement-based materials. A dataset for diffusivity obtained from different experimental techniques have
Because of environmental and economic benefits, a fraction of cement is increasingly replaced by limestone fillers raising a question on to what extent limestone fillers affect the durability of cementitious materials. This work aims at understanding the effects of water/powder (