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L.A.G. Kolks

5 records found

This article develops a synanthropic design approach. The Port of Rotterdam currently houses one of Europe’s largest colonies of the synanthropic species of Lesser Black-backed Gulls. The thriving of this particular colony is entangled with human interventions and economic activi ...

Devices of Articulation

Who Ever Said They Have to Be Smart?

In this article, I argue to expand the application of the concept “devices of articulation”—a term signifying those artifacts that are purposefully created to articulate public issues: controversial phenomena that are too important not to be considered by designers but are not ne ...

Change Agents

Designers Interpreting ‘the Social’ and ‘Social’ Interpretations of Design

Designers are a positive breed, and many scholars studying the extensive field of design and its professional history – including some involved with Cumulus Antwerp 2023 – seem to agree that designers can contribute to positive ‘societal impact.’ In this paper I investigate how t ...

Born, never asked.

Welke concepten van leven worden publiek gemaakt middels de controverses rondom 'voltooid leven'?

‘Voltooid leven’ is de emic term voor juridisch gefaciliteerde hulp bij zelfgekozen levensbeëindiging door ouderen zonder formele medische aanleiding. Het ‘voltooid leven’-discours betreft een breed maatschappelijk debat waarbinnen politieke partij D66 het begrip inzet als onderl ...