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B.F. van Eekelen

6 records found

Teaching for Transformation

Lessons from Critical Pedagogy for Design Futures Education

This essay considers the meaning of criticality in design futures education. It identifies three such meanings – criticality as an indication of importance, as a style of reasoning, and as attentiveness to power – and argues that the latter is most suitable for seeding transforma ...

Public participation in futuring

A systematic literature review

Against the background of continuous calls to democratize futures research and practice, this paper reports the results of a systematic literature review of the involvement of publics in participatory futuring processes. The paper considers three key research questions: Who parti ...

Ruimte voor wonen

Naar een integrale aanpak van de Nederlandse woonopgave

“De woningcrisis biedt kansen. De kans om een duurzaam en langdurig gezond woonklimaat te realiseren.”

Woningnood is geen nieuw verschijnsel in ons land. Al in de negentiende eeuw leidde snelle bevolkingsgroei en verstedelijking tot een huisvestingstekort; de woningwet v ...
This article develops a synanthropic design approach. The Port of Rotterdam currently houses one of Europe’s largest colonies of the synanthropic species of Lesser Black-backed Gulls. The thriving of this particular colony is entangled with human interventions and economic activi ...

Traveling Concepts

Anthropological Engagements with Histories of Social Science

This article discusses historical and anthropological approaches to the life of social science. After presenting the thematic of social science concepts that figure as found object in cultural anthropology, this review briefly introduces the domain of history of social science (H ...

Social dreaming together

A critical exploration of participatory speculative design

While often seen as an elitist practice found only in artistic and academic circles, speculative design has grown in popularity and is now practiced in more diverse contexts and with a variety of participants. In order to gain a better understanding of this ostensible 'participat ...