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R. Bendor

28 records found

As the scale and severity of our multiple environmental crises come into view, the question of digital technologies and how they can be designed sustainably becomes even more pressing. The starting point for this brief commentary is that technology is not just a neutral instrumen ...
Time is a crucial element in design, and even more so when it comes to designing for sustainability. Many designers approach sustainability from a problem-solving perspective, according to which time is linear (and therefore quantifiable) and the future is predictable (and theref ...

What Does 'Failure' Mean in Civic Tech?

We Need Continued Conversations About Discontinuation

Civic tech, also referred to as digital civics in HCI, designates efforts to use technology to bring together citizens, bring governments closer to citizens, or improve public service infrastructure. Such sociotechnical encounters are meant to address public needs and increase in ...

Teaching for Transformation

Lessons from Critical Pedagogy for Design Futures Education

This essay considers the meaning of criticality in design futures education. It identifies three such meanings – criticality as an indication of importance, as a style of reasoning, and as attentiveness to power – and argues that the latter is most suitable for seeding transforma ...

Public participation in futuring

A systematic literature review

Against the background of continuous calls to democratize futures research and practice, this paper reports the results of a systematic literature review of the involvement of publics in participatory futuring processes. The paper considers three key research questions: Who parti ...
Speculative design is an emerging form of critical material engagement with possible futures. Designers working speculatively call attention to current and future sociotechnical dilemmas, and aim to provoke debate about the moral, political and ethical implications of sociotechni ...

Failed yet successful

Learning from discontinued civic tech initiatives

The design of civic tech is often confronted with impediments, barriers, and a lack of resources. These and other causes may lead to the discontinuation and even abandonment of initiatives. Since seemingly failed projects are much more difficult to publish as articles, this works ...

Fit for Purpose

Four considerations of how matter becomes material

Materials form the basis of modern technological society. The extraction and processing of raw matter and the disposal of material things is at the heart of most of the environmental and social crises, and has important implications for the design and deployment of computation sy ...

Beyond the Design Code

Critical Design and Democratic Rationalizations

This chapter suggests a few touchpoints between Andrew Feenberg’s critical constructivism and current work in critical design, with the hope of initiating a productive dialogue between the two. Taking Feenberg’s notion of the design code as an invitation for such an encounter, th ...

Social dreaming together

A critical exploration of participatory speculative design

While often seen as an elitist practice found only in artistic and academic circles, speculative design has grown in popularity and is now practiced in more diverse contexts and with a variety of participants. In order to gain a better understanding of this ostensible 'participat ...
The Sensing in the Wild Lab is a speculative experiment in designing a de- centralised urban sensing system from a more-than-human perspective. It is part of DCODE, an H2020-ITN project that explores the future of designing with AI. During the Lab participants assume different id ...

Beyond Good Intentions

Towards a Power Literacy Framework for Service Designers

Moving into the social and public sector, service design is becoming both more complex and more participatory. This is reflected in the greater diversity and interrelatedness of stakeholders and the wicked problems being addressed. However, although many service designers working ...
This chapter takes the discursive character of sustainability as a point of departure for arguing that what sustainability means is mediated and refracted by the interactive technologies used to engage the public with it. Four such meanings are introduced: from the perspective of ...

Looking backward to the future

On past-facing approaches to futuring

While the past is present in all futuring activities it tends to remain implicit and has not received adequate attention by futures scholars and practitioners. In response, this conceptual paper offers a novel framework with which the past can be brought into futures studies in a ...
Escape the Smart City is a critical pervasive game that uses an escape room format to help players develop an understanding of the implications of urban surveillance technologies. Set in downtown Amsterdam, players work together as a team of hackers to stop the mass deployment of ...
In recent years responsible innovation has gained significant traction and can be seen to adorn a myriad of research platforms, education programs, and policy frameworks. In this workshop, we invite HCI researchers to discuss the relations between the CHI community and responsibl ...