André Streilein

6 records found

Techniques for 3D mapping are maturing. At the same time the need for 3D data is increasing. This has pushed national (and regional) mapping agencies (NMAs) to consider extending their traditional task of providing topographic data into the third dimension. To show how research r ...
Techniques for 3D mapping are maturing. At the same time the need for 3D data is increasing. This has pushed national (and regional) mapping agencies (NMAs) to consider extending their traditional task of providing topographic data into the third dimension. To show how resear ...


The pan european network for mapping agencies and academia

EuroSDR ( is a non-profit organisation that provides a pan-European network that brings together mapping / cadastre agencies and academia for the purpose of applied research, and securing timely, research-based knowledge that allows the agencies to pla ...

3D modelling with national coverage

Bridging the gap between research and practice: commission II, WG II/2

3D technologies are becoming mature and more and more organisations are investing in 3D models for their areas. For National Mapping and Cadastral Agencies (NMCAs), that have a long history in collating and maintaining coun-trywide 2D-datasets, the major challenge is how to best ...