P.J. Teerds
130 records found
Atmospheres and Sensus Communis
Literary methods for the analysis and design of urban sites
This article questions how architects and urban planners can deal with atmosphere as a crucial quality of urban places. Their challenge is the mediating character of urban atmospheres; balancing between spatial and material arrangements and the embodied, perceiving subject, betwe
Revisiting Critical Regionalism
Critical Regionalism Revisited
For more than five decades, Anglo-American architecture critic and historian Kenneth Frampton has played a prominent role in architecture culture. During this entire period, he has taken a rather exceptional position, operating mainly in the registers of historiography while simu
Thuis in de wereld
Een fundamentele reflectie op architectuur
Searching for the public and political aspects of architecture, in order to define a societal meaning of architecture@en
Een ruimte van verschil
Het belang van de publieke ruimte als ontmoetingsplek
De publieke ruimte staat onder druk. Dit artikel biedt een analyse van de druk op de publieke ruimte, en formuleert een argument waarom het belangrijk is dat ontwerpers zich hier druk over maken. Het artikel sluit af met enkele aanwijzingen voor ontwerpers, om 'ruimte te bieden v
Reflection on the theme of hospitality as it is addressed today in the architecture of hotels and urban dwellings, and how that might be applicated in issues regarding public space@en
Column -
Met het aantrekken van de bouw komen ook de hoogbouwplannen weer op tafel – met de nodige discussies tot gevolg.@en
Review of the 180th issue of the literary magazine De Gids. Literair tijdschrift De Gids viert haar 180ste verjaardag met een nummer gewijd aan het Nederlandse landschap. Een grotendeels zelf gemaakt landschap, waardoor de behoefte aan verhalen en betekenissen misschien wel des t
Define and Let Go
An Interview with John Habraken
The name of John Habraken wül always be associated with the distinction that he made between 'support' and 'infill' in architectural and urban development projects. In Supports: an Alternative to Mass Housing,'' he argued that it is people themselves who 'make' their surroundings
At Home in the World
Architecture, the Public and the Writings of Hannah Arendt
The modern emphasis on authenticity and the individual not only caused an ‘astonishing flowering of poetry and music’ and ‘the rise of the novel’ states the philosopher Hannah Arendt in her well-known book The Human Condition, but also the fall and ‘decline of the more public art
Review of the book of Nina Rappaport, Vertical Urban Factory, Actar Publishers, 2015, 480 pp.@en
Book review: Vertical Urban Factory van Nina Rappaport, Actar, 2016, ISBN 9781940291635@en
The Roles of the Architect
Toward a Theory of Practice
Today's professional field of architecture is characterised by rapid transformation. This heavily affect the role of the architect both within the building industries as well as in society. This article investigates the professional field, in order to develop a reflection on the