Julie MacLeavy


6 records found

Rethinking urban utopianism

The fallacy of social mix in the 15-minute city

The concept of urban living is evolving, and there is a growing interest in creating smaller, more connected, and hyperlocal neighbourhoods, where everything people need is within a 15-minute walk or bike ride. This paper challenges the concept of the ‘15-minute city’ as a panace ...

Analysing the socio-economic impacts of COVID-19

A new regional geography or pandemic enhanced inequalities?

In the UK the socio-economic impacts of the COVID-19 mitigations over the course of the pandemic (March 2020 to the time of writing in January 2022) have been experienced unevenly and with differential intensities at both the regional and local scales. Using individual-level geoc ...

Brexit in Sunderland

The production of difference and division in the UK referendum on European Union membership

There is a growing narrative that the outcome of the UK referendum on European Union membership was the product of disenfranchisement and disillusionment wrought by the uneven consequences of economic restructuring in different UK regions, cities and communities. Those most likel ...

Socio-political fracturing

Inequality, stalled social mobility and electoral outcomes

The past 18 months have delivered a series of “surprising” electoral outcomes. In the USA, the election of Donald Trump confounded expectations. In the UK, the leave result from the EU referendum and the subsequent snap General Election which saw the Conservative Party lose their ...

(Re)discovering the lost middle

Intergenerational inheritances and economic inequality in urban and regional research

This paper calls for deepening understandings of inequality and the reproduction of inequality across the income distribution. In particular, it brings intergenerational transmissions and place effects, their interaction and progression over time into greater focus. The objective ...

(Re)discovering the lost middle

Intergenerational inheritances and economic inequality in urban and regional research

This paper calls for deepening understandings of inequality and the reproduction of inequality across the income distribution. In particular, it brings intergenerational transmissions and place effects, their interaction and progression over time into greater focus. The objective ...