
20 records found

This chapter explores multi-scale estimation methods as an important future direction for segregation research in China. We explain how these recently developed methods help address many longstanding problems in traditional index-based segregation research and open up new avenues ...

Rethinking urban utopianism

The fallacy of social mix in the 15-minute city

The concept of urban living is evolving, and there is a growing interest in creating smaller, more connected, and hyperlocal neighbourhoods, where everything people need is within a 15-minute walk or bike ride. This paper challenges the concept of the ‘15-minute city’ as a panace ...

Decomposing Multi‐Level Ethnic Segregation in Auckland, New Zealand, 2001–2013

Segregation Intensity for Multiple Groups at Multiple Scales

There has been a growing appreciation that the processes generating urban residential segregation operate at multiple scales, stimulating innovations into the measurement of their outcomes. This paper applies a multi‐level modelling approach to that issue to the situation in Auck ...

Does segregation reduce socio-spatial mobility?

Evidence from four European countries with different inequality and segregation contexts

The neighbourhood in which people live reflects their social class and preferences, so studying socio-spatial mobility between neighbourhood types gives insight into the openness of spatial class structures of societies and into the ability of people to leave disadvantaged neighb ...

Freedom from the tyranny of neighbourhood

Rethinking sociospatial context effects

Theory behind neighbourhood effects suggests that people’s spatial context potentially affects individual outcomes across multiple scales and geographies. We argue that neighbourhood effects research needs to break away from the ‘tyranny’ of neighbourhood and consider alternative ...

Analysing the socio-economic impacts of COVID-19

A new regional geography or pandemic enhanced inequalities?

In the UK the socio-economic impacts of the COVID-19 mitigations over the course of the pandemic (March 2020 to the time of writing in January 2022) have been experienced unevenly and with differential intensities at both the regional and local scales. Using individual-level geoc ...

Multiscale Contextual Poverty in the Netherlands

Within and Between‑Municipality Inequality

Contextual poverty refers to high proportions of people with a low income in a certain (residential) space, and it can affect individual socioeconomic outcomes as well as decisions to move into or out of the neighbourhood. Contextual poverty is a multiscale phenomenon: Poverty le ...

Brexit in Sunderland

The production of difference and division in the UK referendum on European Union membership

There is a growing narrative that the outcome of the UK referendum on European Union membership was the product of disenfranchisement and disillusionment wrought by the uneven consequences of economic restructuring in different UK regions, cities and communities. Those most likel ...

Inherited and Spatial Disadvantages

A Longitudinal Study of Early Adult Neighborhood Careers of Siblings

Understanding how inequalities are transmitted through generations and restrict upward spatial mobility has long been a concern of geographic research. Previous research has identified that the neighborhood in which someone grows up is highly predictive of the type of neighborhoo ...

Trajectories of Neighborhood Change

Spatial Patterns of Increasing Ethnic Diversity

Western cities are increasingly ethnically diverse and in most cities the share of ethnic minorities is growing. Studies analyzing changing ethnic geographies often limit their analysis to changes in ethnic concentrations in neighborhoods between two points in time. Such a static ...

Does Segregation Reduce Socio-Spatial Mobility?

Evidence from Four European Countries with Different Inequality and Segregation Contexts

The neighbourhoods in which people live reflects their social class and preferences, so studying socio-spatial mobility between neighbourhoods gives insight in the openness of spatial class structures of societies and in the ability of people to leave disadvantaged neighbourhoods ...

Trajectories of ethnic neighbourhood change:

Spatial patterns of increasing ethnic diversity

Western cities are increasingly ethnically diverse, and in most cities, the share of the population belonging to an ethnic minority is growing. Studies analysing changing ethnic geographies often limit their analysis to changes in ethnic concentrations in neighbourhoods between 2 ...

Multiscale Measures of Population

Within- and between-City Variation in Exposure to the Sociospatial Context

Appreciating spatial scale is crucial for our understanding of the sociospatial context. Multiscale measures of population have been developed in the segregation and neighborhood effects literatures, which have acknowledged the role of a variety of spatial contexts for individual ...

On the edge

Changing geographies of the global city precariat in London and Hong Kong

Global cities are marked by precarity, yet little attention has been paid to the spatial overlap between work precarity among migrants and third sector organizations that sustain them. In this paper, we estimate the location of precarious work migrants in two global cities, Londo ...

On the move

Exploring the impact of residential mobility on cannabis use

A large literature exists suggesting that residential mobility leads to increased participation in risky health behaviours such as cannabis use amongst youth. However, much of this work fails to account for the impact that underlying differences between mobile and non-mobile yout ...

Residential mobility

Towards progress in mobility health research

Research into health disparities has long recognized the importance of residential mobility as a crucial factor in determining health outcomes. However, a lack of connectivity between the health and mobility literatures has led to a stagnation of theory and application on the hea ...

Biosocial health geography

New ‘exposomic’ geographies of health and place

Investigating biologically plausible mechanisms for the embodiment of context is a key thoroughfare for progressing health geographies of place. Expanding knowledge of bio-processes such as epigenetics is providing a platform for appreciating the dynamic embedding of social relat ...

Experienced and Inherited Disadvantage

A Longitudinal Study of Early Adulthood Neighbourhood Careers of Siblings

Longer term exposure to high poverty neighbourhoods can affect individual socio-economic outcomes later in life. Previous research has shown strong path dependence in individual neighbourhood histories. A growing literature shows that the neighbourhood histories of people is link ...

Freedom from the Tyranny of Neighbourhood

Rethinking Socio-Spatial Context Effects

Theory behind neighbourhood effects suggests that different geographies and scales affect individual outcomes. We argue that neighbourhood effects research needs to break away from the tyranny of neighbourhood and consider alternative ways to measure the wider socio-spatial conte ...

The neighbourhood

Where Wilson, Schelling and Hägerstrand meet

There is a longstanding interest in the causes and consequences of socio-spatial inequalities in cities. A large literature has emerged on so-called neighbourhood effects, which seeks to understand how living in neighbourhoods of concentrated poverty affects a range of individual ...