Jan Huizenga

38 records found


Photomultiplier tube (PMT)-based scintillation cameras are predominant in molecular imaging but have the drawback that position estimation is severely degraded near the edges (dead edge effect). This leads to sensitivity losses and can cause severe problems in applications like m ...

In recent years, breast imaging using radiolabelled molecules has attracted significant interest. Our group has proposed a multi-pinhole molecular breast tomosynthesis (MP-MBT) scanner to obtain 3D functional molecular breast images at high resolutions. After conducting extens ...

Much attention is currently being paid to imaging prompt gamma (PG) rays for in vivo proton range monitoring in proton therapy. PG imaging using a collimator is affected by neutron-related background. We study the effectiveness of background reduction experimentally, using a scan ...
Silicon photomultipliers (SiPMs) offer high gain and fast response to light, making them interesting for fast timing applications such as time-of-flight (TOF) PET. To fully exploit the potential of these photosensors, dedicated preamplifiers that do not deteriorate the rise time ...
New bright radiation sources like the new generation spallation sources, require fast detectors and fast readout electronics. Position sensitive detectors for imaging applications will be segmented and data rates of 10/sup 7/ s/sup -1/ per readout channel are envisaged. We are de ...