T.W. Fens


8 records found

Realizing smart meter connectivity

Analyzing the competing technologies Power line communication, mobile telephony, and radio frequency using the best worst method

The world is faced with various societal challenges related to e.g. climate change and energy scarcity. To address these issues, complex innovative systems may be developed such as smart grids. When these systems are realized challenges pertaining to renewable energy and sustaina ...
Recovery of heat from electrolysers is potentially interesting to increase the total system efficiency, reduce CO2 emissions, and increase the economic feasibility of both hydrogen and heat production. This study examines different designs for the utilisation of (waste) heat from ...

Introducing Power-to-H3

Combining renewable electricity with heat, water and hydrogen production and storage in a neighbourhood

In the transition from fossil to renewable energy, the energy system should become clean, while remaining reliable and affordable. Because of the intermittent nature of both renewable energy production and energy demand, an integrated system approach is required that includes ene ...

Residential grid storage technology battles

A multi-criteria analysis using BWM

This article focuses on the battle for dominance between various battery technologies in the residential grid storage market (< 10 KWh) in the context of residential energy systems and the related home energy management systems. We focus on five major battery technologies that ar ...
The fossil-based energy system is transitioning towards a renewable energy system. One important aspect is the spatial and temporal mismatch between intermitted supply and continuous demand. To ensure a reliable and affordable energy system, we propose an integrated system approa ...
The interconnected nature of the different components of smart grids is a prime example of complexity in technological systems. Developing such systems is highly dependent on the wishes and needs of end-users and other stakeholders. We argue that stakeholder values should be take ...
Smart home energy systems are technically possible to realize but are not yet applied on a large scale partly due to the fact that no common standards exist that enable interconnection of components that make up these smart energy systems. Multiple standards have been developed w ...
Over recent years there have been several initiatives around the world that aim to roll out smart metering systems, especially within North America and member states of the European Union. Smart metering systems, giving essential conditions for smart grids in the energy sector, c ...


12 records found

Added value of Energy Storage Systems

A valuation model of ESS for industrial clusters

Energy storage systems (ESS) are expected to be one of the main pillars for a future renewable based power system. Since all sectors are electrifying and variable renewable energy (VRE) is being deployed more quickly than transmission and distribution operators are able to connec ...

Aircraft Specific Carbon Emission Calculations For Air Freight Transportation

A Systematic Approach to Model Development to Promote Sustainable Purchasing and Green Market Positioning at PostNL

Commercial greenhouse gas emissions from aviation are proliferating, as is the concern among freight carriers to minimize their carbon footprint. From a corporate point of view, the United Nations International Civil Aviation Organization ( ICAO) expects aircraft emissions to tri ...

The benefits of participatory value evaluation in a company environment

A masters thesis on the possible benefits from the use of PVE in a company environment by conducting a PVE survey for Liander asset management

This thesis explores how the benefits and drawbacks found in previous government-citizen use cases of Participatory Value Evaluation (PVE) translate to a company environment PVE use case. This research is conducted at and with the help of Liander. Liander is one of three energy d ...

Green Hydrogen for Residential Heating and Agricultural Mobility in Rural Areas

Socio-technical analysis of a hydrogen based energy system in Oudeschip

The Dutch Government is picking up the pace in the energy transition. However, the expansion of wind generation is facing congestion challenges, and the decarbonization of household heating and agricultural mobility proves that electrification is not always an option. These chall ...

LVDC for buildings in the Netherlands

Technical and commercial potentials from DC Office Lab

Current energy concerns like growing energy demand, the desire for a clean environment and energy conservation started thrusting the society towards distributed renewable electricity generation (DG) technologies. These technologies such as PV solar, Fuel Cells (FC) and urban wind ...

A Corporate Venturing Unit at EVIS

A MSc-thesis Research in External Corporate Venturing Objectives and crucial Factors for a Corporate Venturing Unit engaged in external Corporate Venturing

Corporate Venturing, is a recurrently researched mechanism for corporates to stay innovative. However, the difficulty of establishing a Corporate Venturing Unit, becomes apparent in the literature. ENGIE Ventures and Integrated Solutions (EVIS) also resorts to external CV activit ...
In this graduation research conditions affecting the profitability as well as the grid effects of a PV-Electrolysis system have been studied using the site of PV park Oosterwolde as a case study. During the study a wide variety scenarios have been created from a set of influentia ...
In order to limit global warming to well below 2°C compared to pre-industrial temperatures, a lot still needs to happen. Carbon free hydrogen as an energy carrier can significantly reduce the CO2 emissions of the entire energy system. In this report, a concept for a spatially eff ...
This research describes a generic step-by-step approach that can be used to depict energy transition-enhancing overvoltage mitigation strategies that fit the local context of a neighbourhood. Although high PV induced low-voltage grid overvoltage mitigation has been studied extens ...
A radical change of the energy system is required in light of the dramatic effects of human-induced climate change. In this perspective, a future renewable hydrogen energy system was proposed, where biogenic resources are ascribed relevant potential as source of biogenic hydrogen ...
The transition from a fossil to a renewable energy system presents challenges in ensuring reliable and affordable energy supply. This dissertation addresses these challenges by proposing an integrated system approach to designing a renewable energy and water system on the neighbo ...