
20 records found

Over the course of the past centuries, humanity’s influence on the Earth’s atmosphere and climate system has become so significant as to induce geophysical feedback effects, specifically in the form of a self-reinforcing process of global warming. In order to contain the global w ...
Healthcare services in the developing countries are suffering from lack of equipment, expertise and infrastructure. Sexual reproductive health is one of these health areas in which the public health sector is not meeting the growing demand and it is defined as unmet need for fami ...
National policies that seek to stimulate the energy transition require attention with the requirement for generation sources that can compensate for moments when wind and solar plants are not available. Electricity supply needs to adjust to demand in real-time, at least until ene ...

When DICE meets the dice

Integrated Economic and Climate Assessment under Uncertainty

With the decision made to act upon climate change, the remaining question is: "How?". Economic theory suggests that the most efficient method is by means of market-based policies. These policies are often designed based on Integrated Assessment Models like DICE, which is the subj ...

Contextual Innovation Management

Discovering Perspectives on the Relationships Between a Project Plan, Contextual Factors, and Project Leader’s Personalities

How can a project manager adapt the project plan for an innovation project to the context? This question leads to other matters, such as why is it important for a project leader to adapt the project plan to the context? Firstly, suppose a firm in a market and the executives of th ...

Supply Strategies for Critical Medical Supplies during a Health-related Crisis

Exploring the impact of various PPE and ventilator supply strategies during a health-related crisis like COVID-19

In 2020, the world was hit by a global pandemic through COVID-19, causing millions of deaths worldwide. The last two years proved that a health-related crisis like COVID-19 strains us as a society and the capacities of health systems worldwide. Severe infections of COVID-19 requi ...

Lead Market Potential of Developing Countries

The Succes of Mobile Money in Kenya

Mobile money has just started to emerge in Western countries; however Kenyans have already been using phones for transactions for 10 years mainly through the mobile money system MPesa. This hints towards a largely ignored innovation potential residing in developing countries that ...

Improvement of digital service platform business models to enter new markets

A case study analysis of digital service platforms in the have it done professional paint industry

AkzoNobel wants to explore new business models to anticipate on the ever-changing market needs of customers by integrated digital service platforms in their business. AkzoNobel invested in a new Joint Venture business entity Zervices (ZRVCS) to develop a service platform for the ...

Antifragility in strategic management; Strengthening companies through embracing uncertainty

An analysis of the application of antifragility in the field of strategic management, focusing on redundancy, optionality, and skin in the game

The environment that high-tech companies have to navigate is changing rapidly. To deal with these changes, managers have limited tools, of which many are based on predictive properties. However, as Black Swans and X-events illustrate, the future is inherently unpredictable. As th ...

Localization of Medical Device Manufacturing in Low- and Middle-Income countries

A study to develop key drivers and inhibitors to shifting manufacturing and assembly of medical devices in Low and Middle income countries

The research was conducted looking into the possibilities of local manufacturing and assembly of medical devices in low and middle-income countries. Desktop research and expert interviews were conducted to learn the operations of medical devices (and other product) manufacturers. ...
The environmental awareness in business practices has grown to be a central issue in corporate social responsibility for many multinational companies. Unfortunately, it remains a way of brand management for many companies, rather than a drive for structural change in business pra ...

Redefining Integrated Assessment Models

An Exploratory Approach Towards Robust Climate-Economic Policies

Integrated Assessment Models (IAMs) are aiming to shed light on the cost-benefit of climate mitigations. However, current IAMs are depicted with a wide range of weaknesses. Next, to questionable assumptions of model functions, such as the damage function, IAMs are inadequate at a ...

Maximisation of Shareholder’s Value and The Theory of Innovative Enterprise

A Case Study Comparison of Two Automotive Enterprises

Twenty years ago, American-style shareholder capitalism, with its focus on maximising shareholders’ value (MSV), was widening its lead (in terms of economic growth) over European-style stakeholder capitalism. Nevertheless, the U.S. economy runs large trade deficits, inequality in ...

Baumol’s Model and Unbalanced Productivity Growth

Does Baumol’s disease exist in China in a time of robotisation and automation?

Baumol's unbalanced growth model predicts the tendency of aggregate productivity growth to slow down in the process of tertiarisation. This thesis studies the relationship between employment structural changes and aggregate productivity growth in the case of China. William Nordha ...

Windfalls from Extractive Activities in Colombia

A Support for Regional Growth and Development?

Authors such as Clough (1955) and Rostow (1960) believed that countries endowed with natural resources could achieve sustainable economic growth. This belief was based on the role coal and oil had during the 19th and 20th century in the industrial development of countries such as ...

Competitiveness of Renewable Energy

An empirical study examining the relative cost of energy generation to determine the competitiveness of renewable technologies within the German electricity market.

This thesis examines the competitiveness of renewable energy technology compared to conventional power generation methods by examining the relative cost of solar PV, wind, and coal. The findings of this analysis seek to answer the primary hypothesis: The unique application of Lev ...

Monetary Reform: System Dynamics Modeling of Full Reserve Banking System

Technical and conceptual specifications of the Full Reserve Banking system model and an analysis on the effect of the Full Reserve Banking system

In this thesis, the System Dynamics (SD) model of the Full Reserve Banking (FRB) system built by Van Egmond and De Vries (2016) has been reviewed and improved. The improved model is used to see the effect of FRB system in preventing a long-lasting recession as one occurred in 200 ...

Restarting Greece

Secular Stagnation of Total Factor Productivity Growth and the Greek Innovation System

In 2008, the crash of the housing market bubble lead not only to the collapse of the U.S financial system, but also to a Global Financial Crisis. The Eurozone was hurt, and the impact was not uniform. The “sick periphery”, and in particular Greece, still suffer from the consequen ...
According to the Paris agreement in 2015, global warming should be limited by applying new innovative technologies in the industry in order to keep the global temperature 2 degrees Celsius above pre-industrial levels. Governmental organisations, institutes and manufacturing compa ...

Exploration of ambidexterity among SMEs in the Dutch Maritime sector

How SMEs align exploitation of existing products and pursue exploration of product innovations

Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs) tend to focus upon short-term profit in a crisis period, however the EU advised SMEs’ to invest in innovation and quality of products. How SMEs balance between these two contradicting strategies is seldom addressed. Therefore, this study ...