6 records found


Unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) are becoming an integral part of both industry and society. In particular, the quadrotor is now invaluable across a plethora of fields and recent developments, such as the inclusion of aerial manipulators, only extends their versatility. As UAVs ...

Ensuring safety in autonomous systems is essential as they become more integrated with modern society. One way to accomplish this is to identify and maintain a safe operating space. To this end, much effort has been devoted in the field of reachability analysis to obtaining co ...

Quadcopters are becoming increasingly popular across diverse sectors. Since rotor damages occur frequently, it is essential to improve the attitude estimation and thus ultimately the ability to control a damaged quadcopter. This research is based on a state-of-the-art method that ...


Flight envelope prediction is a challenging task where one of the difficulties is that widely used methods, like the level set methods, are impractical for systems with more than four coupled state dimensions due to the “curse of dimensionality”. Monte-Carlo simulation based appr ...