A novel algorithmic approach to obtaining maneuverable control-invariant sets

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Ensuring safety in autonomous systems is essential as they become more integrated with modern society. One way to accomplish this is to identify and maintain a safe operating space. To this end, much effort has been devoted in the field of reachability analysis to obtaining control-invariant sets which ensure that a system inside of these sets can remain in these sets, and are thus essential for guaranteeing a system's safety. However, control invariance does not imply that a system can move from any state in the control-invariant set to any other state in the control-invariant set, within a given time horizon. In this paper, we develop an algorithm to obtain a control-invariant set that allows a given system to move from any state in the set to any other state in the set within a given time horizon without having to leave the set. We call this the 'maneuver set', M. We substantiate the algorithm's efficacy through mathematical proof, affirming that the maneuver set obtained through the algorithm is indeed control-invariant. Furthermore, we prove that the system is indeed able to move from any state within this set to any other state in the set. To illustrate the use of our algorithm, we provide the numerical example of a Dubins car, utilising Hamilton-Jacobi-Bellman reachability analysis along with the proposed algorithm in order to obtain M.


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