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76 records found


The hydrodynamic influence of surface texture on static surfaces ranges from large drag penalties (roughness) to potential performance benefits (shark-like skin). Although it is of wide-ranging research interest, the impact of roughness on flapping systems has received limited ...

Bats fly using significantly different wing motions from other fliers, stemming from the complex interplay of their membrane wings’ motion and structural properties. Biological studies show that many bats fly at Strouhal numbers, the ratio of flapping to flight speed, 50–150% abo ...

Pressure projection is the single most computationally expensive step in an unsteady incompressible fluid simulation. This work demonstrates the ability of data-driven methods to accelerate the approximate solution of the Poisson equation at the heart of pressure projection. G ...

On the concept of energized mass

A robust framework for low-order force modeling in flow past accelerating bodies

The concept of added (virtual) mass is applied to a vast array of unsteady fluid-flow problems; however, its origins in potential-flow theory may limit its usefulness in separated flows. A robust framework for modeling instantaneous fluid forces is proposed, named Energized Ma ...

Simulations of turbulent fluid flow around long cylindrical structures are computationally expensive because of the vast range of length scales, requiring simplifications such as dimensional reduction. Current dimensionality reduction techniques such as strip-theory and depth- ...

This technical note presents a simplified method for quantifying the added mass of the soil that is mobilised as part of the failure mechanism around a foundation during rapid loading, and the resulting additional soil resistance. This note focuses on the solutions for an embe ...

The importance of the leading-edge sweep angle of propulsive surfaces used by unsteady swimming and flying animals has been an issue of debate for many years, spurring studies in biology, engineering, and robotics with mixed conclusions. In this work, we provide results from t ...

This paper introduces a virtual boundary method for compressible viscous fluid flow that is capable of accurately representing moving bodies in flow and aeroacoustic simulations. The method is the compressible extension of the boundary data immersion method (BDIM, Maertens &am ...

The aim of this article is to provide a theoretical basis upon which to advance and deploy novel tandem flapping foil systems for efficient marine propulsion. We put forth three key insights into tandem flapping foil hydrodynamics related to their choreography, propulsive effi ...

Dynamic shape change of the octopus mantle during fast jet escape manoeuvres results in added mass energy recovery to the energetic advantage of the octopus, giving escape thrust and speed additional to that due to jetting alone. We show through numerical simulations and exper ...

A submerged body subject to a sudden shape change experiences large forces due to the variation of added-mass energy. While this phenomenon has been studied for single actuation events, application to sustained propulsion requires the study of periodic shape change. We do so in t ...

The fluid mechanics employed by aquatic animals in their escape or attack maneuvers, what we call survival hydrodynamics, are fascinating because the recorded performance in animals is truly impressive. Such performance forces us to pose some basic questions on the underlying ...

An accurate Cartesian-grid treatment for intermediate Reynolds number fluid-solid interaction problems is described. We first identify the inability of existing immersed boundary methods to handle intermediate Reynolds number flows to be the discontinuity of the velocity gradi ...

A perching bird is able to rapidly decelerate while maintaining lift and control, but the underlying aerodynamic mechanism is poorly understood. In this work we perform a study on a simultaneously decelerating and pitching aerofoil section to increase our understanding of the ...

This paper studies the effects of geometrical features on harbor seal whiskers on its force reduction ability. Each feature in the seal whisker is sequentially stripped from the original whisker shape. Four whisker-like geometries are created from such methodology. 3D simulations ...

We present the concepts of physics-based learning models (PBLM) and their relevance and application to the field of ship hydrodynamics. The utility of physics-based learning is motivated by contrasting generic learning models for regression predictions, which do not presume an ...

A new robust and accurate Cartesian-grid treatment for the immersion of solid bodies within a fluid with general boundary conditions is described. The new approach, the Boundary Data Immersion Method (BDIM), is derived based on a general integration kernel formulation which al ...

This paper contributes to the state of the art in Cartesian-grid methods through development of new advection and reconstruction Volume-of-Fluid (VOF) algorithms which are applicable to two and three-dimensional flows. A computationally efficient and secondorder VOF reconstruc ...


Facing the critical challenge of reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions in the maritime industry, this thesis explores the potential of smart control systems using Reinforcement Learning (RL) for autonomous sailing. Traditional controls for sailing fall short in navigating the c ...
Stratified turbulent flows abound in environmental and industrial settings. Examples are atmospheric boundary layer flows, the transport of nutrients and organisms and the mixing of heat and salinity in the oceans, fluid flow in heat exchangers, and the transport of reactants and ...