B. Boullenger

14 records found

Controlled-source seismic reflection interferometry

Virtual-source retrieval, survey infill and identification of surface multiples

The theory of seismic interferometry predicts that the cross-correlation (and possibly summation) between seismic recordings at two separate receivers allows the retrieval of an estimate of the inter-receiver response, or Green's function, from a virtual source at one of the rece ...
The reflection seismic method is the most frequently used exploration method for imaging and monitoring subsurface structures with high resolution. It has proven its qualities from the scale of regional seismology to the scale of near-surface applications that look just a few met ...
We have developed an application of passive seismic interferometry (SI) using P-wave coda of local earthquakes for the purpose of crustal-scale reflection imaging. We processed the reflection gathers retrieved from SI following a standard seismic processing in exploration seismol ...
Several seismic investigations - using receiver-function methods as well as tomographic approaches - have been carried out in the Malargüe region (Argentina) for various purposes over a few decades. We use a body-wave seismic interferometry (SI) approach to retrieve reflections l ...
The theory of seismic interferometry redicts that crosscorrelations of recorded seismic res onses at two receivers yield an estimate of the interreceiver seismic res onse. The interferometric rocess a lied to surface-reflection data involves the summation, over sources, of cro ...
We investigate the applicability of passive seismic interferometry using P-wave coda from local earthquakes for the purpose of retrieving reflections for imaging enhanced geothermal systems. For this, we use ambient-noise data recorded in the Neuquén basin, Argentina, where the P ...