V. Barletta

4 records found


Accurate glacial isostatic adjustment (GIA) models are required for correcting measurements of mass change in Antarctica and for improving knowledge of the sub-surface, especially in areas of large current ice loss such as the Amundsen Sea Embayment (ASE). Regionally, seismic ...

The ocean load in glacial isostatic adjustment (GIA) modelling is represented by the so-called sea level equation (SLE). The SLE describes the mass redistribution of water between ice sheets and oceans on a deforming Earth. Despite various teams independently investigating GIA ...

In the ESA Support to Science Element GOCE+Antarctica, we study the influence of the lithospheric structure on estimates of GIA. From recent geophysical, especially seismological, studies new insights on the deep structure of the Antarctic continents are available. However, the s ...