
15 records found

Sustainability in mineral resource extraction

Best practices on-shore and challenges off-shore

Vitrification is considered to be an attractive technology for bottom ash treatment because it destroys the hazardous organics, contributes to immobilization of the heavy metals, and additionally it reduces drastically the volume. The main components of the vitrified bottom ash s ...
CD-rom Release 2000 Data Sets 1050, PCPDFWIN Version 2.00, International Center of Diffraction Data (JCPDS-ICDD), Newton Square, Pennsylvania, USA, 1998@en
Although micron-size particles of metallic gold are observed at the Zarshuran gold deposit, northwest Iran, the quantities do not account for the gold concentrations determined by chemical analyses. The presence of invisible gold has been established by means of trace element ele ...
Sustainability is often defined as: the ability to continue a defined behavior indefinitely. However, considering the nature of mining operations, this cannot be meant with the phrase “Sustainability in Mining”. Sustainability in the mining industry should be understood in the sa ...
Deze publicatie bevat een gedetailleerd historisch overzicht van de voormalige kolenmijnen die Zuid-Limburg domineerden van het begin van de 20ste eeuw tot halverwege de jaren zeventig. Het mijnbouwgebied was gelocaliseerd in het zuiden van Nederland, grenzend aan Duitsland en Be ...
Dit artikel vertelt in kort bestek de ontstaansgeschiedenis van de Nederlandse steenkolenwinning, die in hoofdzaak in de vorige eeuw plaatsvond in Zuid-Limburg. De winning van steenkool vond in die tijd plaats door een vijftal mijnbouwmaatschappijen: Oranje-Nassau Mijnen, De Nede ...
Within the Nkombwa Hill carbonatite complex, bastnäsite-(Ce), (Ce,La)CO3F, has been identified as an abundant mineral in xenoliths hosted by late-stage ferrocarbonatite sills and dykes. Bastnäsite-(Ce) occurs as fibrous yellow crystals, about 1 µm in size, replacing monazite and ...
Within the Nkombwa Hill carbonatite complex, bastnäsite-(Ce), (Ce,La)CO3F, has been identified as an abundant mineral in xenoliths hosted by late-stage ferrocarbonatite sills and dykes. Bastnäsite-(Ce) occurs as fibrous yellow crystals, about 1 µm in size, replacing monazite and ...
X-ray powder diffraction data are reported for α-brass with the composition Cu: 63.44±0.04 wt %, Zn: 36.45±0.06 wt %. No valid reference card for this material is present in the JCPDS-ICDD database. The investigated brass composition is cubic (Fm3m) with a0: 3.69612±0.00014 Å, un ...


5 records found

The metal cobalt is essential in creating a sustainable society, as it is an important component in lithium- ion batteries and wind energy turbines. About half of the Earth’s land-based cobalt reserves can be found in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC). This study focusses on ...

Sulfur stream identification and selective removal of heavy metals from ironmaking blast furnace dust

Improved leaching of metal sulfides using oxidants and microwave treatment

The main waste products of ironmaking at Tata Steel IJmuiden are CO2¬(g) and a solid waste stream consisting of mainly carbon and iron-bearing compounds. This solid waste is generally called Zn rich filter cake which contains too much Zn to be reintroduced into the iron making pr ...
During the extension of a sport complex near Tilburg, The Netherlands, some archeological objects were discovered. Some shreds of pottery seem to confirm that the objects found were originating from the Middle Iron Age.1 Some of the objects were egg-shaped and hollow, with a smal ...
The rapid degradation of the Thorn-sandstone could be explained by the presence of organics or minerals such as swelling glauconite, oxidized glauconite or non-swelling clays sensitive to hydric variations despite being non-swelling. A variety of tests and observations have been ...
This thesis report presents a concept methodology to quantify the energy release associated with strain bursting in underground excavations based on the size of the failed zone and the elastic strain energy stored in the rock mass prior to failure. A strain burst implies potentia ...