Paolo Banelli

18 records found


A critical challenge in graph signal processing is the sampling of bandlimited graph signals; signals that are sparse in a well-defined graph Fourier domain. Current works focused on sampling time-invariant graph signals and ignored their temporal evolution. However, time can ...

This work merges tools from graph signal processing and linear systems theory to propose sampling strategies for observing the initial state of a process evolving over a graph. The proposed method is ratified by a mathematical analysis that provides insights on the role played by ...

Adaptive Graph Signal Processing

Algorithms and Optimal Sampling Strategies

The goal of this paper is to propose novel strategies for adaptive learning of signals defined over graphs, which are observed over a (randomly) time-varying subset of vertices. We recast two classical adaptive algorithms in the graph signal processing framework, namely, the l ...

This paper proposes strategies for distributed Wiener-based reconstruction of graph signals from subsampled measurements. Given a stationary signal on a graph, we fit a distributed autoregressive moving average graph filter to a Wiener graph frequency response and propose two ...

This work proposes distributed recursive least squares (RLS) strategies for adaptive reconstruction and learning of signals defined over graphs. First, we introduce a centralized RLS estimation strategy with probabilistic sampling, and we propose a sparse sensing method that sele ...
We focus on the performance of the energy detector for cognitive radio applications. Our aim is to incorporate, into the energy detector, low-complexity algorithms that compute the performance of the detector itself. The main parameters of interest are the probability of detectio ...

Finite impulse response (FIR) graph filters play a crucial role in the field of signal processing on graphs. However, when the graph signal is time-varying, the state of the art FIR graph filters do not capture the time variations of the input signal. In this work, we propose ...