Karen Rodriguez Hernandez

10 records found


Individuals with an upper motor neuron syndrome, e.g., stroke survivors, may have a pathological increase of passive ankle stiffness due to spasticity, that impairs ankle function and activities such as walking. To improve mobility, walking aids such as ankle-foot orthoses and ...

Effective treatment of movement disorders requires thorough understanding of human limb control. Joint dynamics can be assessed using robotic manipulators and system identification. Due to tendon compliance, joint angle and muscle length are not proportional. This study uses plan ...

The stiffness of an Ankle-Foot-Orthosis (AFO) that aims to assist walking affects the gait biomechanics of patients with impaired gait. In patients with equinus (spastic paresis of the lower leg), impaired gait is a consequence of an increased passive ankle joint stiffness (or ...


Introduction: Pes equinus with increased ankle joint stiffness is a common impairment in stroke and Cerebral Palsy (CP) patients with structural and/or neural deficits of the ankle muscles. Equinus gait is characterized by toe-strike, abnormal ankle plantarflexion and decreased a ...
The surface electromyographic (sEMG) signals that originate from skeletal muscle electrical activity, are used clinically and experimentally to determine muscular behaviour, e.g. amplitude, area under the curve and onset of activity. Surface EMG signals are inevitably contaminate ...
To objectively diagnose the severity of spasticity, it is important to measure the muscle activity accurately. Filtered EMG has an offset above zero which is part noise and part background activity. The goal of this study is to separate these two parts, using a non-linear neuromu ...
Relevance: To enhance our understanding of motor impairments (e.g. post-stroke or due to Parkinson's Disease), objective measures for communication in the nervous system are required. By applying system identification techniques to oscillations in brain and muscle activity, we ca ...

Using ultrasound muscle imaging to assess the proportionality between ankle angle and contractile element length

A feasibility study to test the assumption with plane-wave ultrasound and system identification of joint dynamics

Ultrasound gives the opportunity to look at muscles and observe their change in length. This tool has increased the knowledge about muscle-tendon dynamics and sometimes revealed surprising muscle stretch behaviour. System identification experiments use robots to disturb the ankle ...
Subjectivity, lack of precision, and accuracy are the challenges in the spasticity clinical measurement. One of the causes is the unwell standardization of the measurements that cause temporary changes in muscle resistance termed as muscle thixotropy. This temporary changes can ...
Ever since human ancestors picked up rocks and used them as tools, technology has enhanced human capabilities. Over the last decades more and more research has been done in trying to enhance strength and endurance by means of an exoskeleton. Reducing the metabolic cost of human w ...