
J.H. de Groot

8 records found

Background/Objectives: “Hermes” is an ankle–foot orthosis (AFO) with negative stiffness designed to mechanically compensate the symptomatic increase in plantarflexion (PF) torque (i.e., ankle joint torque resistance to dorsiflexion, DF) in patients with spastic paresis.
Meth ...
The aim of this study was to quantify physical activity and sedentary behavior in older adults recovering from hip fracture and to identify groups based on movement patterns. In this cross-sectional cohort study, older adults (≥70 years) were included 3 months after surgery for p ...
Purpose: This study aimed to quantify the extent to which age was associated with joint position sense (JPS) of the asymptomatic shoulder as measured by joint position reproduction (JPR) tasks and assess the reproducibility of these tasks. Methods: 120 Asymptomatic participants a ...
Individuals with an upper motor neuron syndrome, e.g., stroke survivors, may have a pathological increase of passive ankle stiffness due to spasticity, that impairs ankle function and activities such as walking. To improve mobility, walking aids such as ankle-foot orthoses and or ...

Treatment of neurogenic scapular winging

A systematic review on outcomes after nonsurgical management and tendon transfer surgery

Background: Scapular winging is a rare condition of the shoulder girdle that presents challenging treatment decisions for clinicians. To inform clinical practice, clinicians need guidance on what the best treatment decision is for their patients, and such recommendations should b ...
Patients with poor upper limb motor recovery after stroke are likely to develop increased resistance to passive wrist extension, i.e., wrist hyper-resistance. Quantification of the underlying neural and non-neural elastic components is of clinical interest. This cross-sectional s ...
Proper understanding of motor control requires insight into the extent and manner in which task performance and control strategy are influenced by various aspects of visual information. We therefore systematically manipulated the visual presentation (i.e., scaling factor and opti ...
We suggest short range stiffness (SRS) at the elbow joint as an alternative diagnostic for EMG to assess cocontraction.Elbow SRS is compared between obstetric brachial plexus lesion (OBPL) patients and healthy subjects (cross-sectional study design). Seven controls (median 28. ye ...