P.S.M. Smets

39 records found


Infrasound and the Dynamical Stratosphere

A new application for operational weather and climate prediction

Infrasound is low-frequency inaudible sound (< 20Hz), used as a waveform verification technique for the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty (CTBT). In this thesis, it is shown that infrasound can provide useful additional upper atmospheric observations in a region where data co ...

This paper reviews recent progress toward understanding the dynamics of the middle atmosphere in the framework of the Atmospheric Dynamics Research InfraStructure in Europe (ARISE) initiative. The middle atmosphere, integrating the stratosphere and mesosphere, is a crucial reg ...

In this work, seismo-acoustic modeling of DPRK’s underground nuclear tests will be presented. The Fast Field Program (FFP) is used to model seismo-acoustic coupling between the solid Earth and the atmosphere under the variation of source depth and atmospheric conditions. There ...

Seismoacoustic Coupled Signals From Earthquakes in Central Italy

Epicentral and Secondary Sources of Infrasound

In this study we analyze infrasound signals from three earthquakes in central Italy. The Mw 6.0 Amatrice, Mw 5.9 Visso, and Mw 6.5 Norcia earthquakes generated significant epicentral ground motions that couple to the atmosphere and produce infr ...

The 2017 North Korean nuclear test gave rise to seismic and low-frequency acoustic signals, that is, infrasound. The infrasonic signals are due to seismo-acoustic coupling and have been detected on microbarometer array I45RU in the Russian Federation at 401 km from the test si ...

Low-frequency acoustic, i.e., infrasound, waves are measured by sparse arrays of microbarometers. Recorded data are processed by automatic detection algorithms based on array-processing techniques such as time-domain beam forming and f-k analysis. These algorithms use a signal-to ...
Supersonic rockets generate low-frequency acoustic waves, that is, infrasound, during the launch and re-entry. Infrasound is routinely observed at infrasound arrays from the International Monitoring System, in place for the verification of the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treat ...

The underground nuclear tests by the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK) generated atmospheric infrasound both in 2013 and 2016. Clear detections were made in the Russian Federation (I45RU) and Japan (I30JP) in 2013 at stations from the International Monitoring System ...

Accurate prediction of Sudden Stratospheric Warming (SSW) events is important for the performance of numerical weather prediction due to significant stratosphere-Troposphere coupling. In this study, for the first time middle atmospheric numerical weather forecasts are evaluate ...