C. Weemstra
69 records found
Carbon capture and storage (CCS) technology is essential to European decarbonisation efforts, and several offshore CO2 storage projects are being developed in the North Sea. Understanding the geomechanical response to CO2 injection is key to both the pre-cha
Ocean-bottom seismometers (OBSs) are equipped with seismic sensors that record acoustic and seismic events at the seafloor, which makes them suitable for investigating tectonic structures capable of generating earthquakes offshore. One critical parameter to obtain accurate earthq
Hamiltonian Monte Carlo to Characterize Induced Earthquakes
Application to a ML 3.4 Event in the Groningen Gas Field and the Role of Prior
The Hamiltonian Monte Carlo algorithm is known to be highly efficient when sampling high-dimensional model spaces due to Hamilton's equations guiding the sampling process. For weakly non-linear problems, linearizing the forward problem enhances this efficiency. This study integra
We report on a Bayesian (i.e., probabilistic) inversion for the shear-wave velocity structure of the Reykjanes peninsula, SW Iceland. Travel times of Rayleigh waves traversing the peninsula served as input to the probabilistic algorithm. These Rayleigh waves were retrieved throug
Geothermal energy is a cleaner and more sustainable source of power, which plays a key role in the transition to a low-carbon economy. Sustainable and safe exploitation of geothermal resources, however, depends on our ability to understand and manage the associated seismic risks.
Coda wave interferometry (CWI) holds promise as a technique for concrete stress monitoring. This is because the coda, which consists of multiply scattered arrivals, is the result of propagation through the medium over large distances. As such, it is sensitive to both minute struc
Ambient noise seismic tomography has proven to be an effective tool for subsurface imaging, particularly in volcanic regions such as the Reykjanes Peninsula (RP), SW Iceland, where ambient seismic noise is ideal with isotropic illumination. The primary purpose of this study is to
Probabilistic centroid moment tensor inversions using geologically constrained priors
Application to induced earthquakes in the Groningen gas field, the Netherlands
We use the Hamiltonian Monte Carlo (HMC) algorithm to estimate the posterior probability distribution of a number of earthquake source parameters. This distribution describes the probability of these parameters attaining a specific set of values. The efficiency of the HMC algorit
With the development of several CO₂ storage operations in the North Sea, there is a clear need to better characterise the seismic hazard and stress state in the region. Faults and associated fracture sets can act as hydraulic pathways for unintended CO₂ migration, ill-defined str
Determining clock errors of ocean-bottom seismometers
An ambient-noise based method designed for large-scale ocean bottom deployments
The timing of the recordings of ocean-bottom seismometers (OBSs) is critical for accurate earthquake location and Earth model studies. GNSS signals, however, cannot reach OBSs deployed at the ocean bottom. This prevents their clocks from being synchronized with a known reference
In 2018, the geothermal project Nature's Heat started its operations to supply heat to 64 hectares of greenhouses in Kwintsheul, Netherlands. The operation involves the extraction and reinjection of geothermal fluids at a depth of about 2.4km. Several studies suggested that geoth
We present an efficient probabilistic workflow for the estimation of source parameters of induced seismic events in three-dimensional heterogeneous media. Our workflow exploits a linearized variant of the Hamiltonian Monte Carlo (HMC) algorithm. Compared to traditional Markov cha
In 2018, a geothermal doublet started operating in Kwinstheul, Netherlands, for supplying heat to 64 hectares of greenhouses corresponding to Nature’s Heat joint initiative. This kind of geothermal operation requires extraction, circulation, and reinjection of fluids at a depth o
Estimating earthquake parameters, including their uncertainty, requires
probabilistic sampling or inversion using Bayesian algorithms. One such
Bayesian algorithm known to be highly efficient is the Hamiltonian Monte
Carlo (HMC) algorithm, and modifying the algorithm with an a
We report on the extraction of deep ocean travel time variations from time-lapse cross-correlations between a hydrophone station and a three-component broadband seismometer. The signals we cross-correlate in this study result from repeated activity by the Monowai seamount, one of
We present an overview of induced seismicity due to subsurface engineering in the Netherlands. Our overview includes events induced by gas extraction, underground gas storage, geothermal heat extraction, salt solution mining and post-mining water ingress. Compared to natural seis
Accurate timing of seismic records is essential for almost all applications in seismology. Wrong timing of the waveforms may result in incorrect Earth models and/or inaccurate earthquake locations. As such, it may render interpretations of underground processes incorrect. Ocean b
Seismic interferometry (SI) refers to the principle of generating new seismic responses using crosscorrelations of existing wavefield recordings. In this study, we report on the use of a specific interferometric approach, called seismic interferometry by multidimensional deconvol
We present a probabilistic scheme to invert for hypocenters and moment tensors (MTs) of induced seismic events in 2D heterogeneous media. Our scheme is based on a variant of the Hamiltonian Monte Carlo scheme that uses the linearization of a misfit function. This algorithm, howev
This paper presents a study on the application of the coda-wave interferometry (CWI) technique using embedded transducers for the monitoring of concrete structural members. The coda-wave interferometry (CWI) has been recognized as a promising technique in detecting small changes