L.A. Grzelak


10 records found

Collocating Volatility

A Competitive Alternative to Stochastic Local Volatility Models

We discuss a competitive alternative to stochastic local volatility models, namely the Collocating Volatility (CV) framework, introduced in [L. A. Grzelak (2019) The CLV framework-A fresh look at efficient pricing with smile, International Journal of Computer Mathematics 96 (11), ...

The stochastic collocation Monte Carlo sampler

Highly efficient sampling from ‘expensive’ distributions

In this article, we propose an efficient approach for inverting computationally expensive cumulative distribution functions. A collocation method, called the Stochastic Collocation Monte Carlo sampler (SCMC sampler), within a polynomial chaos expansion framework, allows us the ge ...
In this work, we propose a one time-step Monte Carlo method for the SABR model. We base our approach on an accurate approximation of the cumulative distribution function of the time-integrated variance (conditional on the SABR volatility), using Fourier techniques and a copula. R ...
Generative adversarial networks (GANs) have shown promising results when applied on partial differential equations and financial time series generation. We investigate if GANs can also be used to approximate one-dimensional Ito ^ stochastic differential equations (SDEs). We propo ...
A data-driven approach called CaNN (Calibration Neural Network) is proposed to calibrate financial asset price models using an Artificial Neural Network (ANN). Determining optimal values of the model parameters is formulated as training hidden neurons within a machine learning fr ...
We propose an accurate data-driven numerical scheme to solve stochastic differential equations (SDEs), by taking large time steps. The SDE discretization is built up by means of the polynomial chaos expansion method, on the basis of accurately determined stochastic collocation (S ...
We present in a Monte Carlo simulation framework, a novel approach for the evaluation of hybrid local volatility [Risk, 1994, 7, 18–20], [Int. J. Theor. Appl. Finance, 1998, 1, 61–110] models. In particular, we consider the stochastic local volatility model—see e.g. Lipton et al. ...
In this paper, we will present a multiple time step Monte Carlo simulation technique for pricing options under the Stochastic Alpha Beta Rho model. The proposed method is an extension of the one time step Monte Carlo method that we proposed in an accompanying paper Leitao et al. ...
In this paper, we study the impact of the parameters involved in Heston model by means of Uncertainty Quantification. The Stochastic Collocation Method already used for example in computational fluid dynamics, has been applied throughout this work in order to compute the propagat ...
It is a market practice to price exotic derivatives, like callable basket options, with the local volatility model [B. Dupire, Pricing with a smile, Risk 7 (1994), pp. 18–20; E. Derman and I. Kani, Stochastic implied trees: Arbitrage pricing with stochastic term and strike struct ...


10 records found

Efficiently managing hedging portfolios on behalf of pension funds is key in achieving the target hedging strategy, which can significantly impact coverage ratios. A new optimization approach to fixed income portfolio management for pension funds is proposed that finds interest r ...

The Lamperti Transform

Applications to Stochastic Local Volatility Models

This thesis showcases a rather contemporary method of solving a generalized system of stochastic differential equations (SDE's) comparable to the SABR model. The solution is derived from a stochastic-local volatility (SLV) model in which the local volatility (LV) component is kep ...
This thesis captures the calibration of a FX hybrid model: The FX Black-Scholes Hull-White model. The main focus is on the calibration of the parameters in the Hull-White process: The mean reversion and the volatility parameter. The latter is commonly calibrated as a time-depende ...
We study the impact of wrong-way risk (WWR) on the credit valuation adjustment (CVA) of a portfolio of interest rate swaps (IRSs), using an intensity-based reduced form model. To model WWR in IRSs we create a dependence between he underlying market risk factor of the IRS and th ...
Generative adversarial networks (GANs) have shown promising results when applied on partial differential equations and financial time series generation. This thesis investigates if GANs can be used to provide a strong approximation to the solution of stochastic differential equat ...
Forecasting the prepayments is essential for any financial institution providing mortgages, and it is a crucial step in the hedging of the risk resulting from these unexpected cash flows. The way in which the prepayment rate is predicted impacts on the hedging strategy. For examp ...
This thesis is about pricing European options using a Fourier-based numerical method called the COS method under the rough Heston model. Besides examining the efficiency and accuracy of the COS method for pricing options under the rough Heston model, it is also investigated if th ...
The yield curve represents market supply and demand implied expectations of future interest rates and is calibrated from the most liquidly traded interest rate derivatives like cash deposits, forward rate agreeents, swaps and futures. Due to the daily margining mechanism of futur ...
The aim of this thesis is to forecast the evolution of the prepayment rate in a mortgage portfolio. In the Netherlands, people with a loan have the possibility to repay (part of) their outstanding loan before the due date. These prepayments make the length of the portfolio of loa ...
This thesis studies advanced and accurate discretization schemes for relevant partial differential equations (PDEs) in finance. We start with techniques which may be particularly useful for the pricing of so-called vanilla financial options, European or American, and then move on ...