Jan Tigchelaar


1 records found

Een deel van de Balgzanddijk voldoet niet aan de stabiliteitseisen volgens de nieuwe Waterwetnormen. Nader onderzoek met behulp van een volledig probabilistische methode heeft meer duiding gegeven over de berekende resultaten, de meerwaarde van een dataverzameling van sterkte-eig ...


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Flood Protection Using Multiple Lines of Dikes

A Case Study of the Twin Dike Eemshaven-Delfzijl Project

The Twin Dike project is an innovative concept to achieve the required flood safety while being able to preserve valuable areas. A lower, second dike is constructed behind the original existing dike. The original dike is only being strengthened to a minimal extent. The general id ...
The safety of the Dutch dikes depends on various failure mechanisms. Macro stability, a geotechnical failure mechanism, is highly affected by differences in soil strength because the sliding plane propagates through areas of least resistance. The variations in soil properties in ...