W.J.M. Franse


1 records found

Quantum Acoustics with high-overtone bulk resonators and superconducting qubits

High-Q planar devices, phononlasers, and quantum ghosts

The field of quantum acoustics studies high frequency sounds generated at low temperatures such that quantum mechanical effects become relevant. The studies mainly revolves around propagating quantized sound waves, or phonons, a collective excitation of atoms in solids or liquids ...


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Calibrated cryogenic amplifier measurements

Determining the characteristics of a current pumped nanobridge Josephson Parametric Amplifier using Short-Open-Load and Thermal Calibration

In this project, we have done a calibrated measurement on a previously designed and fabricated current pumped Josephson Parametric amplifier. We have installed a microwave switch into our crygenic fridge tobe able to get a calibrated response measurement using Short-Open-Load ca ...