
4 records found


Quantum circuit analyzer tool in Python

Quantum circuits constructed from Josephson junctions and superconducting electronics are key to many quantum computing and quantum optics applications. Designing these circuits involves calculating the Hamiltonian describing their quantum behavior. Here we present QuCAT, or 'Qua ...

Nature of the Lamb shift in weakly anharmonic atoms

From normal-mode splitting to quantum fluctuations

When a two-level system (TLS) is coupled to an electromagnetic resonator, its transition frequency changes in response to the quantum vacuum fluctuations of the electromagnetic field, a phenomenon known as the Lamb shift. Remarkably, by replacing the TLS by a harmonic oscillator, ...


QuCAT: Quantum circuit analyzer tool in python (New Journal of Physics (2020) 22 (013025) DOI: 10.1088/1367-2630/ab60f6)

In the published paper, the Hamiltonian featured in figure 2 was incorrect. The term EJ/(12h) should be EJ/(24h), as shown in the corrected figure in this corrigendum. Note that this error was simply typographic, and was never reflected in the QuCAT software. (Figure Presented).@ ...

Two-photon sideband interaction in a driven quantum Rabi model

Quantitative discussions with derived longitudinal drives and beyond the rotating wave approximation

In this paper, we analytically and numerically study the sideband interaction dynamics of the driven quantum Rabi model (QRM). We focus in particular on the conditions when the external transverse drive fields induce first-order sideband interactions. Inducing sideband interactio ...


16 records found


Predicting DESHIMA 2.0 observations of the thermal Sunyaev-Zel’dovich effect

Galaxy clusters are some of the largest known structures in the universe. Studying them observationally and theoretically can provide a lot of information on how these clusters form and are structured. One way to study them is through the so-called Sunyaev-Zel’dovich (SZ) effect, ...

Quantum Acoustics with high-overtone bulk resonators and superconducting qubits

High-Q planar devices, phononlasers, and quantum ghosts

The field of quantum acoustics studies high frequency sounds generated at low temperatures such that quantum mechanical effects become relevant. The studies mainly revolves around propagating quantized sound waves, or phonons, a collective excitation of atoms in solids or liquids ...
This thesis investigates fundamental properties of Josephson junctions embedded in microwave circuits, and an application arising from this hybrid approach. We used the versatility of superconducting coplanar DC bias cavities to extract previously inaccessible information on phas ...

Calibrated cryogenic amplifier measurements

Determining the characteristics of a current pumped nanobridge Josephson Parametric Amplifier using Short-Open-Load and Thermal Calibration

In this project, we have done a calibrated measurement on a previously designed and fabricated current pumped Josephson Parametric amplifier. We have installed a microwave switch into our crygenic fridge tobe able to get a calibrated response measurement using Short-Open-Load ca ...

Non-linear Optomechanics

Nonlinearity in the restoring force of a multilayer graphene resonator

A multilayer graphene oscillator is coupled with a superconducting microwave cavity. A nonlinear term in the restoring force is determined and the behavior of the oscillator is investigated.

Controlling the Quantum

Creating a protocol for arbitrary state generation in an LC oscillator using Jaynes-Cummings interactions

Producing arbitrary quantum states in mechanical oscillators is an essential part of the research con- cerning combining the theory of quantum mechanics with general relativity. In recent years, a lot of progress was made by the development of optomechanics and circuit quantum el ...

The emergence of dissipation dilution

In doubly clamped nanomechanical resonators

Quantum Transport in Scalable MBE SAG InSb Nanowires for Majorana Bound States

Developments in Selective Area Grown InSb Nanowires using Molecular Beam Epitaxy from Delft

One of the main components used in superconducting quantum chips is the Josephson junction. Currently when fabricating Josephson junctions, the resistance uniformity at wafer-scale is not optimal. It is also known that an annealing process can alter the junction resistance and wi ...
Superconducting quantum circuits came out as promising candidates for the exploration of topological phenomena that are currently inaccessible in condensed matter systems. One such circuit is a Cooper pair transistor which has already been widely studied in different regimes of o ...
This thesis analyses a lumped element circuit proposed for an analogue quantum simulation of opto-mechanics. The circuit consists of two resonators, a simple LC-resonator, and a similar resonator in which the inductor is replaced by a SQUID as a flux tuneable inductance. The inte ...
Superconducting microwave resonators based on coplanar waveguides (CPWs), which allow for on-chip implementation, have a wide variety of uses, from the coupling of qubits to the detection of photons from interstellar clouds. With the integration of a bias circuitry, the already v ...
A single photon interacting with a single atom is the most fundamental form of light interacting with matter and has been extensively studied in the field of Cavity Quantum Electrodynamics (cavity QED). Here, a non-linearity like an atom is coupled to a single mode of the electro ...
Quantum-limited parametric amplifiers have become increasingly interesting and relevant with the progressing field of quantum computing. However, currently it is still challenging to fabricate these complex devices. In this thesis, we developed cross type Josephson junctions (JJs ...
Superconducting resonators used in mm/sub-mm (MMW) astronomy would greatly benefit from deposited dielectrics with low dielectric loss. The excess loss in deposited dielectrics is mainly due to two-level systems (TLS), and there is no consensus on their microscopic origin. To stu ...
In this thesis, a we have designed and fabricated a Josephson Parametric Amplifier (JPA) using a new double-angle evaporation method without a Dolan bridge. We have found and resolved several issues in the fabrication procedure, but it requires further tuning before being fully f ...