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A. Caviglia

59 records found

The epitaxial growth of complex oxides enables the production of high-quality films, yet substrate choice is restricted to certain symmetry and lattice parameters, thereby limiting the technological applications of epitaxial oxides. In comparison, the development of free-standing ...
Quantum materials can display physical phenomena rooted in the geometry of electronic wavefunctions. The corresponding geometric tensor is characterized by an emergent field known as the Berry curvature (BC). Large BCs typically arise when electronic states with different spin, o ...
Antiferromagnetic materials feature intrinsic ultrafast spin dynamics, making them ideal candidates for future magnonic devices operating at THz frequencies. A major focus of current research is the investigation of optical methods for the efficient generation of coherent magnons ...
In doped manganite systems, strong electronic correlations result in rich phase diagrams where electron delocalization strongly affects the magnetic order. Here, we employ a femtosecond all-optical pump-probe scheme to impulsively photodope the antiferromagnetic parent manganite ...
Although 2D materials hold great potential for next-generation pressure sensors, recent studies revealed that gases permeate along the membrane-surface interface, necessitating additional sealing procedures. In this work, we demonstrate the use of free-standing complex oxides as ...
The combination of strain and electrostatic engineering in epitaxial heterostructures of ferroelectric oxides offers many possibilities for inducing new phases, complex polar topologies, and enhanced electrical properties. However, the dominant effect of substrate clamping can al ...
Suspended piezoelectric thin films are key elements enabling high-frequency filtering in telecommunication devices. To meet the requirements of next-generation electronics, it is essential to reduce device thickness for reaching higher resonance frequencies. Here, the high-qualit ...
Two-dimensional SrTiO3-based interfaces stand out among non-centrosymmetric superconductors due to their intricate interplay of gate-tunable Rashba spin-orbit coupling and multi-orbital electronic occupations, whose combination theoretically prefigures various forms of ...
In oxide heterostructures, different materials are integrated into a single artificial crystal, resulting in a breaking of inversion symmetry across the heterointerfaces. A notable example is the interface between polar and nonpolar materials, where valence discontinuities lead t ...
The development of “fault-tolerant” quantum computers, unaffected by noise and decoherence, is one of the fundamental challenges in quantum technology. One of the approaches currently followed is the realization of “topologically protected” qubits which make use of quantum system ...
Resonant ultrafast excitation of infrared-active phonons is a powerful technique with which to control the electronic properties of materials that leads to remarkable phenomena such as the light-induced enhancement of superconductivity1,2, switching of ferroelectric po ...
The interface between two wide band-gap insulators, LaAlO3 and SrTiO3 (LAO/STO), hosts a quasi-two-dimensional electron gas (q2DEG), two-dimensional superconductivity, ferromagnetism, and giant Rashba spin-orbit coupling. The co-existence of two-dimensional ...
In systems near phase transitions, macroscopic properties often follow algebraic scaling laws, determined by the dimensionality and the underlying symmetries of the system. The emergence of such universal scaling implies that microscopic details are irrelevant. Here, we locally i ...
Identifying efficient pathways to control and modify the order parameter of a macroscopic phase in materials is an important ongoing challenge. One way to do this is via the excitation of a high-frequency mode that couples to the order, and this is the ultimate goal of the field ...
Magnonics is a research field complementary to spintronics, in which the quanta of spin waves (magnons) replace electrons as information carriers, promising lower dissipation1–3. The development of ultrafast, nanoscale magnonic logic circuits calls for new tools and ma ...
Van der Waals magnets provide an ideal playground to explore the fundamentals of low-dimensional magnetism and open opportunities for ultrathin spin-processing devices. The Mermin-Wagner theorem dictates that as in reduced dimensions isotropic spin interactions cannot retain long ...
The correlated 4d transition metal oxide SrRuO3 (SRO) features an anomalous Hall effect that originates from momentum-space sources of Berry curvature and depends sensitively on the magnetization. Here, we exploit this sensitivity and realize an epitaxial extraordinary ...
In bilayers of ferromagnets and heavy metals, which form the so-called spintronic emitters, the phenomena of ultrafast demagnetization and the inverse spin Hall effect (ISHE) conspire to yield remarkably efficient emission of electric pulses in the THz band. Light-induced demagne ...
Three-dimensional strontium ruthenate (SrRuO3) is an itinerant ferromagnet that features Weyl points acting as sources of emergent magnetic fields, anomalous Hall conductivity, and unconventional spin dynamics. Integrating SrRuO3 in oxide heterostructures is potentially a novel r ...
Strain engineering has been extended recently to the picosecond timescales, driving ultrafast metal–insulator phase transitions and the propagation of ultrasonic demagnetization fronts. However, the nonlinear lattice dynamics underpinning interfacial optoelectronic phase switchin ...