
M.H. van Eikema Hommes


17 records found

Oil paintings are complex, multi-layered systems that are prone to chemical degradation. While it is increasingly recognised that water plays an important role in these degradation reactions, little is known about moisture concentrations in oil paint systems and their temporal va ...

Striving for unity

The significance and original context of political allegories by Theodoor van Thulden for 's-Hertogenbosch Town Hall

This case study explores the original significance and contexts of a series of political allegories painted by Theodoor van Thulden (1606-1669) for the 's-Hertogenbosch (Bois-le-Duc) Town Hall. In considering their commission history, current attributions, their relevant historic ...

Rooms without houses, paintings without walls

Researching and presenting fragments of late seventeenth- and eighteenth-century painted rooms

Rooms without houses, paintings without walls

Researching and presenting fragments of late seventeenth- and eighteenth-century painted rooms

A triumph with no battle

The significance of a painted wall hanging (1778) in the Hofkeshuis in Almelo

The Mauritshuis-project

Re-Printing Architectural Heritage: Questions of original and representation in 3D print innovation

The Martenahuis in Franeker contains a special room whose walls and ceiling are decorated with vast paintings on canvas. Such fully painted rooms were very popular in the northern Dutch provinces from the last quarter of the seventeenth century and were called 'painted rooms' or ...