S. Sundaresan
11 records found
To simulate the hydrodynamics and mixing characteristics of chemical reactors by means of a lattice Boltzmann method (LBM), it is essential to consider components with varying molecular weights (and therefore speeds of sound). This option requires modification of the standard equ
Lattice Boltzmann simulations of low-Reynolds-number flow past fluidized spheres
Effect of Stokes number on drag force
In a fluidized bed, the drag force acts to oppose the downward force of gravity on a particle, and thus provides the main mechanism for fluidization. Drag models that are employed in large-scale simulations of fluidized beds are typically based on either fixed-particle beds or th
Abstract: A lattice Boltzmann (LB) method is presented for solving the energy conservation equation in two phases when the phase change effects are included in the model. This approach employs multiple distribution functions, one for a pseudotemperature scalar variable and the re
Pag 244501-1 t/m 244501-5@en
Chemical Engineering Journal
Volumes 207¿208, 1 October 2012, Pages 587¿595
22nd International Symposium on Chemical Reaction Engineering (ISCRE 22)@en