Dirk-Jan Manen
4 records found
Waves in space-dependent and time-dependent materials
A systematic comparison
Waves in space-dependent and in time-dependent materials obey similar wave equations, with interchanged time- and space-coordinates. However, since the causality conditions are the same in both types of material (i.e., without interchangement of time- and space-coordinates), the
The ability of marine vibrators to accurately control the frequency and phase of the emitted signal offers new and interesting possibilities. In terms of deblending, one could, for example, imagine having simultaneously operating vibrators in narrow non-overlapping frequency band
The ability to extract information from scattered waves is usually limited to singly scattered energy even if multiple scattering might occur in the medium. As a result, the information in arrival times of higher-order scattered events is underexplored. This information is extrac
A tour of Marchenko redatuming
Focusing the subsurface wavefield
Marchenko redatuming can retrieve the impulse response to a subsurface virtual source from the single-sided surface reflection data with limited knowledge of the medium. We illustrate the concepts and practical aspects of Marchenko redatuming on a simple 1D acoustic lossless medi