C.W.M. Naastepad


12 records found

Unless we direct technology, technology will increasingly direct us, with mass un(der)employment and a possible atrophying of the human soul (i.e. human thinking, feeling and will) as likely consequences. The root of such problems is a failure to understand capital fully, itself ...

Robots and us

Towards an economics of the ‘Good Life’

(Expected) adverse effects of the ‘ICT Revolution’ on work and opportunities for individuals to use and develop their capacities give a new impetus to the debate on the societal implications of technology and raise questions regarding the ‘responsibility’ of research and innovati ...

How do we judge the responsibility (or otherwise) of research and innovation?

Capital, Aristotle, and the neglected factor: freedom

Missing in the debate on the ‘responsibility’ of research, innovation, and business is an examination of a possible conflict between the quest for ‘responsibility’ and the normative economic principles or ‘micro-economic foundations’ that guide the world’s financial capital and t ...

Capital and capacities

Using capital to create economic space for capacities

The dominant view, both on the mainstream right and on the left, holds that the Eurozone crisis is a crisis of labour-cost competitiveness—with trade imbalances (and hence foreign indebtedness) being driven by divergences in relative unit labour costs (RULCs) between surplus and ...
The Eurozone crisis has been wrongly interpreted as either a crisis of fiscal profligacy or of deteriorating unit-labor cost competitiveness (caused by rigid labor markets), or a combination of both. Based on these diagnoses, crisis countries have been treated with the bitter med ...
Er is hernieuwde aandacht voor de AIQ omdat deze in bijna alle OESO-landen een dalende trend vertoont. Er zijn verschillende macro-economische oorzaken voor de daling aan te wijzen, zoals robotisering, globalisering en arbeidsmarktderegulering. Gevolg is dat de vraag daalt, wat d ...
Higher real wages provide macroeconomic benefits in terms of increased demand if the economy is wage-led (as in most European economies) and of higher labour productivity growth and more rapid technological progress. Taking these benefits into account, we show that a wage-led eco ...


8 records found

Reconnecting philosophy and economics

An Aristotelian perspective on funding health care in The Netherlands

The 2006 health care reforms in the Netherlands were aimed at improving the affordability, accessibility, and quality of health care, as well as freedom in health care. However, the reality is that since the reforms (which include the privatisation of health-care insurance), cost ...

Technology, Time, and Intangibles

Freedom of Education and the relationship between the cultural, economic, and political sphere

The thesis proposes an education system that have the potential to safeguard freedom of education. Freedom of education is found to be essential for human flourishing after discussing Aristotle's Eudaimonia and different definitions of freedom. The thesis proposes that the socia ...
The recommendations in this thesis are relevant for research and consultancy firms specialized in social aspects of technology. The problem that is analyzed is how in the future society can remain inclusive, when faced with the problems of technological innovation and the possibi ...

Could climbing up Maslow's pyramid help us solve the world's environmental problems?

A study of the impact of human development from material to non-material needs on the environment

Our planet is witnessing an unprecedented increase in temperature that is causing frequent damages such as extreme weather conditions, acidification of oceans and extinction of species that may soon become irreparable. Various studies have reported that greenhouse gas emissions ( ...
This thesis is for Entrepreneurs, Managers, and Customers who are interested in paying Just Prices, and who would like to understand what the origin of the concept is, how it differs from the 'fair price', and how a Just Price could be reached in practice. This thesis is forward- ...
In this thesis I investigate possibilities for expanding freedom of choice in the development and use of digital education technologies. This thesis may be of interest to university policy-makers, students, professors, software-developers, or anyone interested in expanding freedo ...
The jobs of the world population are increasingly threatened in a world filled with constant technological improvements, and automation of tasks by machinery and artificial intelligence. Substitution of labour by machines is not only occurring in blue-collar jobs (usually uniform ...
Out of all the events and phenomena surrounding the financial crisis of 2007/2008, one stood out: financialization. What is financialization, why does it occur, and is it problematic? It can be described as the financial sector increasing in size and importance relative to the re ...