A. Radman
76 records found
Allagmatics of Architecture
From Generic Structures to Genetic Operations (and Back)
The non-apodictic culture of architecture is often at cross-purposes with the techno-deterministic nature of engineering. From the scientific point of view, the modus operandi of architecture is often (mis)perceived as vague or indeterminate. It is a bias that has tangible conseq
From Epiphylogenesis to General Organology
Introduction to “The Epiphylogenetic Turn and Architecture: In (Tertiary) Memory of Bernard Stiegler”, Footprint 30
The work of Bernard Stiegler (1952–2020) provides invaluable material for rethinking the built environment as a sort of inorganic spatial memory that enables the evolution of life by means other than organic life. Following Stiegler’s theoretical turn toward epiphylogenetic proce
Generalised chromaticism
The ecologisation of Architecture
This tripartite article is devoted to the role of architectural heritage in the process of exo-somatisation or evolution by means other than life. The first part entitled 'Politics of Location' will provide a brief history of the Architecture Philosophy and Theory Group at Delft
Ecologies of Architecture
Essays on Territorialisation
Drawing on a range of philosophical texts, Andrej Radman brings together a collection of 11 of his essays, published over the last decade, to show that when a society manipulates its matter it is not a reflection of culture; it is culture.
To speak of ecologies of architecture is
The Architecture of the Virtual
An Encounter Between Cognitive Neurosciences and Architecture
The philosophies of substance presuppose a subject which then encounters a datum. This subject then reacts to the datum. The process ontology presupposes a datum (firstness) which is met with feelings (secondness), and progressively attains the unity of a subject (thirdness). It
Deep Architecture
An Ecology of Hetero-Affection
In this chapter I explore the legacy of the American psychologist James Jerome Gibson, whose concept of affordance continues to stir controversy even among the scholars of the Ecological School of Perception. Gibson was well aware of the difficulties in challenging the orthodoxie
3D perception ≠ 2D image + 1D inference
Or why a single precise shot would often miss the target, whereas a series of imprecise shots will eventually lead to a hit
This book comprises fifteen articles that investigate what images do, particularly in relation to the disciplines of architecture, design and visual arts. It claims that it is the differentiating power of images—their actions—which constitutes their capacity to look like somethin
Involutionary Architecture
Unyoking Coherence from Congruence
By focusing on the qualities of a posthumanist architectural practice in
his chapter 4, Andrej Radman continues the analysis of the genetic power of
affective encounters begun by Iris van der Tuin in her opening chapter, and by
Jussi Parikka in his geophilosophical analysis of th
Relay Conversation
In the thick of things (part 1&2)
The Reading Room is an event series dedicated to creating a community-oriented, public platform for encounters with contemporary ideas on art and society. At its core, the Reading Room series revolves around the reading of texts provided by invited guests – cultural theorists, ph
How to read (with) Benjamin
From cultural history of materialism to materialist history of culture
Only images in the mind vitalize the will. The mere word, by contrast, at most inflames it, to leave it smouldering, blasted. There is no intact will without exact pictorial imagination. No imagination without innervation. (Benjamin, 1920s)
Someday, when the prospect of an angel
The Space of Technicity
Theorising Social, Technical and Environmental Entanglements
Desperate times demand optimistic transdisciplinary measures. This volume unites a select group of thinkers who courageously traverse disciplinary boundaries. What brings them together is the least stratified ‘component’: a shared problem. It is a widely recognised that a problem
Reading the Dirty, Thick, and Open
Two Theoretical Understandings of Digital Maps and Our Position as Reader
This thesis aims to revisit the conventions of digital mapping, by undergoing the theoretical endeavour to understand digital mapping beyond the convenient dichotomy, and find our position as readers. Two theoretical lenses are borrowed from the field of anthropology and art hist
The Epiphylogenetic Turn and Architecture
In (Tertiary) Memory of Bernard Stiegler
The work of Bernard Stiegler (1952–2020) provides invaluable material for rethinking the built environment as a sort of inorganic spatial memory that enables the evolution of life by means other than organic life. Following Stiegler’s theoretical turn toward epiphylogenetic proce
The Resilient Port
Toward a social-ecological integrated estuary and Rotterdam port transformation
The project envisioned a social-ecological resilient waterfront for Rotterdam. By focusing on the outer dike area of Rotterdam, it aims to protect the port from flooding ,and at the same time create more nature habitat for biodiversity. With creating a resilient river, it can re-
Ecological Remediation
An urban landscape strategy for Guanajuato
Anthropogenic development is the main actor in the destruction of our planet.
Urbanization, industrialization, and agriculture have been expanding exponentially at a global scale in an attempt to create prosperity and progress. Still, in the process of this never-ending purs ...
Urbanization, industrialization, and agriculture have been expanding exponentially at a global scale in an attempt to create prosperity and progress. Still, in the process of this never-ending purs ...
Architectures of Life and Death
The Eco-Aesthetics of the Built Environment
Driven by the Foucauldian attitude of subsuming architectural history into a genealogy of techne, Architectures of Life and Death advances a transdisciplinary approach rethinking subjectivity and exploring the political ramifications of these processes for the discipline of archi
The roadmap towards circular cruise ships
Preventing waste discharge into the environment
Waste streams from cruise ships come back into nature which negatively influences the environment. Research has shown that actions need to be taken to reduce climate change. Not only the government should take their responsibility, but also other businesses, like the cruise indus
Robotic 3DPrinting Earth
Earthen additive manufacturing with customized nozzles to create a gradient material for on-demand performance
To cope with the climate crisis, sustainable and eco-friendly buildings are a necessity. To achieve this, we need to change the way we build, this accounts as well for construction materials. For thousands of years, humans have lived in clay and timber hybrid constructions. Thes
City Monastery Rotterdam
A place amidst the ever-crowded city that can offer moments of rest and room for contemplation in the urban context of Rotterdam.
Preliminary to this design, a careful research was done on the proportional theory of Dom Hans van der Laan. Based on how we perceive space and measure things this system offers a way to create harmonious architecture. What can we learn from this theory for today's architecture a
Jacquerie Mimesis
The transformation of life during the Anthropocene concerning the build environment
This thesis is made during my graduation project within the studio Explore Lab at the Technical University of Delft on the Faculty of Architecture, Urbanism and Building Sciences. Since the writing of my first master thesis, the fascination for the topic arose. At the Architectur