Strain hardening cementitious composites (SHCC) can be used to reduce the amount of reinforcement needed to control crack widths. SHCC has a strain hardening behaviour with dense micro-cracking, which makes it more ductile compared to conventional concrete. Conventional concrete
Strain hardening cementitious composites (SHCC) can be used to reduce the amount of reinforcement needed to control crack widths. SHCC has a strain hardening behaviour with dense micro-cracking, which makes it more ductile compared to conventional concrete. Conventional concrete can be used in the non-critical locations. An interface is formed in between the two concrete layers. The interface is the weakest link in the system, governing the structural performance. Therefore, the interface is of interest in ongoing research. The lattice model allows to investigate the effect of the fundamental parameters, the interface tensile strength and interface stiffness, on the structural behaviour in different bond tests between normal strength concrete and SHCC. Direct tension, direct shear and the notched-beam test were used to investigate the effect of the individual interface properties on the global behaviour. In all bond tests a smooth and profiled interface were simulated to investigate the effect of applying a roughness to the interface.
In the small-scale tests activation of adjacent materials was found to occur at increased interface tensile strength and decreased interface stiffness. For a smooth interface a decrease in interface stiffness resulted in a scatter of failed elements over the interface in the direct tension test, increasing the ductility. Initially, a linear relation is obtained between the interface tensile strength and load capacity for the direct tension and direct shear test. With higher interface tensile strength cracking of the adjacent materials increased the load capacity, but the adjacent materials started to become governing. The application of a profile in the interface increased the capacity even further and resulted in an increased softening. For a profiled interface the effect of changing interface properties was limited in most cases compared to the effect on a smooth interface. This was due to the activation of the adjacent materials at lower interface properties compared to the smooth interface.
Similar trends were found between the structural behaviour and interface properties for the notched-beam test. Only the application of a profile did not increase the load and displacement compared to the smooth interface. With the beam simulation results a data set is generated with the information about the load, displacement, interface opening and joint opening at failure. The data is classified based on the failure mode of the beams. From the classification it was found that with a smooth interface higher interface properties can be reached before the failure mode would change from interface to partial failure or from partial to concrete failure compared to a profiled interface. The range of interface properties resulting in interface failure is higher for the notched-beam test compared to the small-scale test. The notched-beam test will, therefore, be more likely to show interface failure when used for testing the interface.