48 records found


Arsenic is a common trace element in groundwater and its fate and transport are controlled by combination of (i) natural processes, including redox conditions, salinity and pH, (ii) sedimentary and geochemical environment, and (iii) anthropogenic influences such as groundwater ...

Well clogging was studied at an aquifer storage transfer and recovery (ASTR) site used to secure freshwater supply for a flower bulb farm. Tile drainage water (TDW) was collected from a 10-ha parcel, stored in a sandy brackish coastal aquifer via well injection in wet periods, ...

An aquifer storage transfer and recovery (ASTR) system was studied in which tile drainage water (TDW) was injected with relatively high NO3 (about 14 mg/L) concentrations originating from fertilizers. Here we present the evolution of denitrification kinetics at 6 di ...

Degradation of 7 common pesticides (bentazon, boscalid, chloridazon, fluopyram, flutolanil, imidacloprid, and methoxyfenozide) and 2 metabolites of chloridazon (desphenyl-chloridazon, and methyl-desphenyl-chloridazon) was studied in an anoxic and brackish sandy aquifer before ...

A field injection experiment was performed in an anoxic sandy aquifer over 6 days to assess sorption characteristics of 7 commonly applied pesticides in agriculture and 2 frequently detected metabolites. Pesticide use changed considerably in the last decades, and there is insu ...

Various hydrogeochemical processes can modify the quality of river water during riverbank filtration (RBF). Identifying the subsurface processes responsible for the bank-filtered water quality is challenging, but essential for predicting water quality changes and determining t ...

Arsenic (As) is a highly toxic element which naturally occurs in drinking water. In spite of substantial evidence on the association between many illnesses and chronic consumption of As, there is still a considerable uncertainty about the health risks due to low As concentrati ...

Managed aquifer recharge can store surface water as safe and reliable groundwater for later recovery. However, most options are problematic in karstic aquifers due to complex hydrodynamics reducing their effectiveness and hence general applicability. River bank filtration and urb ...
The last 60 years has seen unprecedented groundwater extraction and overdraft as well as development of new technologies for water treatment that together drive the advance in intentional groundwater replenishment known as managed aquifer recharge (MAR). This paper is the first k ...
As part of an integrated water-cycle management strategy, City West Water (CWW) is conducting research to develop an aquifer storage recovery (ASR) scheme utilizing recycled water. In this contribution, we address the risk of well clogging based on two ASR bore pilots, each with ...

Most countermeasures to mitigate saltwater intrusion in coastal, karstic or fractured aquifers are hindered by anisotropy, high transmissivities and complex dynamics. A coupled strategy is introduced here as a localized remedy to protect shallow freshwater reserves while utili ...

Managed Aquifer Recharge (MAR) is a promising method of increasing water availability in water stressed areas by subsurface infiltration and storage, to overcome periods of drought, and to stabilize or even reverse salinization of coastal aquifers. Moreover, MAR could be a key ...

To be able to overcome water shortages, Abu Dhabi Emirate started an Aquifer Storage and Recovery (ASR) project with desalinated seawater (DSW) as source water near Liwa. It is the largest DSW-ASR project in the world (stored volume ~10 Mm3/year), and should recover ...

This study demonstrates groundwater quality differences between a limestone and a dolomitic limestone, (sub)oxic coastal aquifer in the Eastern Mediterranean (Lebanon), with and without ongoing moderate salinization since the last decades. For this purpose, 8 major and 50 trac ...

Submarine groundwater discharge is an important part of the hydrological cycle, but remains under-investigated for confined aquifers with no surface outcrop at the beach. This paper considers the offshore directed flow of fresh groundwater in the unconfined and confined aquifers ...

Observations are reported on (i) groundwater recharge rates under various types of vegetation as measured with megalysimeters in the dunes, (ii) freshwater lenses along the Dutch North Sea coast in the early 1900s, and (iii) rainwater lenses that develop on top of laterally mi ...

The fate of organic micropollutants during long-term/long-distance river bank filtration (RBF) at a temporal scale of several years was investigated along a row of monitoring wells perpendicular to the Lek River (the Netherlands). Out of 247 compounds, which were irregularly a ...

The use of multiple partially penetrating wells (MPPW) during aquifer storage and recovery (ASR) in brackish aquifers can significantly improve the recovery efficiency (RE) of unmixed injected water. The water quality changes by reactive transport processes in a field MPPW-ASR ...


This study addresses the critical aspects of injection well clogging as part of an Aquifer Storage, Transfer and Recovery (ASTR) pilot infiltrating tile drainage water (TDW) from agricultural field into an anoxic brackish sandy aquifer for later re-use as irrigation water for flo ...
Pressure on fresh water resources has led to water scarcity and increasing demand for alternative water resources, such as rainwater. Nevertheless, heavy metal contamination is a limiting factor for re-use of urban stormwater. This research focusses on the adsorption of heavy met ...