Sarthak Chatterjee


4 records found


NEuro-Inspired Optimization—A Fractional Time Series Approach

Solving optimization problems is a recurrent theme across different fields, including large-scale machine learning systems and deep learning. Often in practical applications, we encounter objective functions where the Hessian is ill-conditioned, which precludes us from using opti ...
Discrete-time fractional-order dynamical systems (DT-FODS) have found innumerable applications in the context of modeling spatiotemporal behaviors associated with long-term memory. Applications include neurophysiological signals such as electroencephalogram (EEG) and electrocorti ...
Fractional-order dynamical networks are increasingly being used to model and describe processes demonstrating long-term memory or complex interlaced dependencies among the spatial and temporal components of a wide variety of dynamical networks. Notable examples include networked ...
Neurotechnology has made great strides in the last 20 years. However, we still have a long way to go to commercialize many of these technologies as we lack a unified framework to study cyber-neural systems (CNS) that bring the hardware, software, and the neural system together. D ...