S.D. Gonçalves Melo Pequito


12 records found


NEuro-Inspired Optimization—A Fractional Time Series Approach

Solving optimization problems is a recurrent theme across different fields, including large-scale machine learning systems and deep learning. Often in practical applications, we encounter objective functions where the Hessian is ill-conditioned, which precludes us from using opti ...
In this article, we study the target controllability problem of networked dynamical systems,in which we are tasked to steer a subset of network nodes toward a desired objective. More specifically, we derive necessary and sufficient conditions for the structural target controllabi ...
Discrete-time fractional-order dynamical systems (DT-FODS) have found innumerable applications in the context of modeling spatiotemporal behaviors associated with long-term memory. Applications include neurophysiological signals such as electroencephalogram (EEG) and electrocorti ...
Fractional-order dynamical networks are increasingly being used to model and describe processes demonstrating long-term memory or complex interlaced dependencies among the spatial and temporal components of a wide variety of dynamical networks. Notable examples include networked ...
This paper provides an overview of the research conducted in the context of structural (or structured) systems. These are parametrized models used to assess and design system theoretical properties without considering a specific realization of the parameters (which could be uncer ...
Neurotechnology has made great strides in the last 20 years. However, we still have a long way to go to commercialize many of these technologies as we lack a unified framework to study cyber-neural systems (CNS) that bring the hardware, software, and the neural system together. D ...
Assessing the stability of biological system models has aided in uncovering a plethora of new insights in genetics, neuroscience, and medicine. In this paper, we focus on analyzing the stability of neurological signals, including electroencephalogram (EEG) signals. Interestingly, ...
Finding strongly connected components (SCCs) and the diameter of a directed network play a key role in a variety of machine learning and control theory problems. In this article, we provide for the first time a scalable distributed solution for these two problems by leveraging dy ...
We provide a necessary and sufficient graph-theoretical characterization of quotient fixes modes occurring in parametric decentralized control systems. Specifically, we introduce the notion of structurally quotient fixed modes (SQFMs) that generically captures the quotient fixed ...
Contribution: We re-think the ‘Statistical Analysis’ curriculum building upon system engineering tools where assumptions (e.g., ABET criteria and student profiles) are carefully assessed, a learn-by-mistake approach ensures that several of the main statistical mistakes are learne ...
Editorial on the Research Topic - Inference, Causality and Control in Networks of Dynamical Systems: Data Science and Modeling Perspectives to Network Physiology With Implications for Artificial Intelligence@en
Resting-state blood-oxygen-level-dependent (BOLD) signal acquired through functional magnetic resonance imaging is a proxy of neural activity and a key mechanism for assessing neurological conditions. Therefore, practical tools to filter out artefacts that can compromise the asse ...


8 records found

Mitigating Neuropathic Pain: From Theory to Practice

Inhibiting Neuroma Pain <i>In­-silico</i> and Measuring Neural Activity <i>In­-vivo</i>

Neuropathic pain (NP) affects approximately seven to ten percent of the general population. Seventeen percent of NP patients scored their life as “worse than death”. A myriad of causes may underlie NP, such as stroke or spinal cord injury. Also, damage or disease of the periphera ...
The need for smart traffic control has grown over the last years. Initiated by an increased amount of traffic. Network-wide traffic control is becoming a more interesting field for traffic control. Mainly because computer power has increased and optimisation techniques improved. ...
A satellite remote sensing technique, Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar (InSAR), is able to provide surface displacement information on a millimeter level. In this study, data from the TerraSAR-X satellite collected in the years 2009-2018 over the area of Amsterdam is used ...
General anesthesia (GA) is an important medical procedure that induces unconsciousness to patients during surgery. Consciousness is a salient feature of the brain, whose neurophysiological features are difficult to be distinguished from unconsciousness. Though it can be defined a ...
Resting-state functional magnetic resonance imaging (rs-fMRI) is one of the promising non-invasive technology that helps in the detection of neurodegenerative and neurological disorders, localisation of the different areas of the brain and understanding the connectivity between t ...
Meditation is a contemplative practice that is believed to entail attentional and emotional regulation. One of the biggest challenges in developing personalized, accessible healthcare options with meditation is finding understandable features that signify whether someone is medit ...
Time-sensitive medical emergencies resulting from the entry of harmful agents into the body require immediate and urgent medical attention to prevent irreversible symptoms or fatalities. However, the current process for urgent care relies on human intervention, which can introduc ...