Wouter Jacobs

5 records found



The commodification of ammonia and the role of Rotterdam as a global pricing centre

This chapter applies the polycentric port region perspective on the US Gulf Region. This concept, which originates from urban studies, has recently been adapted by Van den Berghe et al. (2022) to study multiport gateway regions, with focus on the European Amsterdam-Rotterdam-Antw ...

Friends with benefits

The emergence of the Amsterdam–Rotterdam–Antwerp (ARA) polycentric port region

This paper enacts a dialogue between planning literature on polycentric urban regions (PUR) and port geography literature on multi-port gateways. The main proposition is that polycentric systems are the emergent outcome of the interactions between three dimensions of polycentrici ...

The Belgian-Dutch Polycentric Port Region

Analysing the (mis)match between existing multiplex networks and their (inter)national policy settings

Both Belgium (Flemish Diamond) and The Netherlands (Randstad) are seen as standard examples of polycentric urban regions (PUR). In the first part of this paper, we examine quantitatively if this polycentricity also applies to the ports of these urban regions. Our results show tha ...

The relational geometry of the port-city interface

Case studies of Amsterdam, the Netherlands, and Ghent, Belgium

The aim of this paper is to operationalize a relational approach to the study of port-city interfaces. A relational approach allows for the analysis of how actors are connected, transact, and assign meaning and value to regional development. Much of the literature on port-city in ...