
6 records found


Refined numerical wave energy resource assessments are required to reduce uncertainties in the evaluation of available power and energy production. However, to restrict the computational cost, a great part of wave hindcast simulations cover a limited time range (below ten years) ...

The wave energy resources in the Indian Ocean can be considered as a potential alternative to fossil fuels. However, the wave energy resources are subject to short-term fluctuations and long-term changes due to climate change. Hence, considering sustainable development goals, ...

Global distribution of the wave climate and energy using a re-analysis dataset provides the opportunity to study spatio-temporal variation of different parameters, and offers inputs for future sustainability plans. The study assesses two global scale products ERA5 and ERA-Interim ...

L'uso eccessivo di combustibili fossili sta causando la riduzione delle riserve di carbone, oltre ad un aumento delle emissioni di gas “effetto serra” esacerbando i cambiamenti climatici. Tali condizioni alterano la circolazione dei venti sugli oceani e, di conseguenza, il cli ...