
6 records found


From package-based to call-based dependency networks

Modern programming languages such as Java, JavaScript, and Rust encourage software reuse by hosting diverse and fast-growing repositories of highly interdependent packages (i.e., reusable libraries) for their users. The standard way to study the interdependence between software p ...
Developers are increasingly using services such as Dependabot to automate dependency updates. However, recent research has shown that developers perceive such services as unreliable, as they heavily rely on test coverage to detect conflicts in updates. To understand the prevalenc ...
Modern software projects consist of more than just code: teams follow development processes, the code runs on servers or mobile phones and produces run time logs and users talk about the software in forums like StackOverflow and Twitter and rate it on app stores. Insights stemmin ...
A popular form of software reuse is the use of open source software libraries hosted on centralized code repositories, such as Maven or npm. Developers only need to declare dependencies to external libraries, and automated tools make them available to the workspace of the project ...
Blockchain technology has found a great number of applications, from banking to the Internet of Things (IoT). However, it has not yet been envisioned whether and which problems in Software Engineering (SE) Blockchain technology could solve. In this paper, we coin this field 'Bloc ...
Developers strategically reuse code to expedite project development and lower maintenance costs. With the advent of software supply chains, integrating open-source libraries into projects has transitioned from a cumbersome, manual task to an automated, streamlined process. Howeve ...


2 records found

In this report, we present our work on improving the administration software and automating parts of the customer service work for Plugify (, a young Dutch startup that provides an online music act booking platform. We first analyze Plugify's needs, and the ...
Software development is more and more reliant on external code. This external code is developed, bundled into packages and shared using package repositories like or npm. Reusing shared code bundles greatly improves development speed but without proper care and knowledge ...