Jianbo Gao


4 records found


Privacy-Preserving Ride Matching With Collusion-Resistant Driver Exclusion

Ride-Hailing Service (RHS) has drawn plenty of attention as it provides transportation convenience for riders and financial incentives for drivers. Despite these benefits, riders risk the exposure of sensitive location data during ride requesting to an untrusted Ride-Hailing Serv ...
Location-Based Services (LBSs) depend on a Service Provider (SP) to store data owners’ geospatial data and to process data users’ queries. For example, a Yelp user queries the SP to retrieve the k nearest Starbucks by submitting her/his current location. It is well-acknowledged t ...
Shortest distance queries over large-scale graphs bring great benefits to various applications, i.e., save planning time and travelling expenses. To protect the sensitive nodes and edges in the graph, a user outsources an encrypted graph to an untrusted server without losing the ...
Outsourcing data users' location data to a cloud server (CS) enables them to obtain kk nearest points of interest. However, data users' privacy concerns hinder the wide-scale use. Several studies have achieved Secure k Nearest Neighbor (SkNN) query, but do not address time-restri ...