R. Baumgartner


2 records found


Explainable Machine Learning for Computer Security Applications

Explainable Artificial Intelligence (XAI) aims to improve the transparency of machine learning (ML) pipelines. We systematize the increasingly growing (but fragmented) microcosm of studies that develop and utilize XAI methods for defensive and offensive cybersecurity tasks. We id ...
State machines models are models that simulate the behavior of discrete event systems, capable of representing systems such as software systems, network interactions, and control systems, and have been researched extensively. The nature of most learning algorithms however is the ...


2 records found

The behavior of software systems can be modeled as state machines by looking at the log data from these systems. Conventional algorithms, such as L∗, however, require too much memory to process log data when it gets too large. These algorithms must first load all available data i ...
The behavior of software systems can be modeled as state machines by looking at the log data from these systems. Conventional algorithms, such as L∗, however, require too much memory to process log data when it gets too large. These algorithms must first load all available data i ...