Anna Spinosa

5 records found


The conservation, restoration and sustainable use of wetlands is the target of several international agreements, among which are the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Earth Observation (EO) technologies can assist national authorities in monitoring activities and the envir ...

Remote sensing and satellite imagery have become commonplace in efforts to monitor and model various biological and physical characteristics of the Earth. The land/water interface is a continually evolving landscape of high scientific and societal interest, making the mapping ...

Water quality measures for inland and coastal waters are available as discrete samples from professional and volunteer water quality monitoring programs and higher-frequency, near-continuous data from automated in situ sensors. Water quality parameters also are estimated from ...

3D Ensemble Simulation of Seawater Temperature

An Application for Aquaculture Operations

During the past decades, the aquaculture industry has developed rapidly, due to drop in wild fish catch. Water quality variables play major role in aquaculture operations, specifically seawater temperature has major impact on the metabolism of the fish species and therefore on ...


The derivation of water quality indicators is of importance, especially in coastal areas, as most of the economic activities are located here. However, the availability of high-spatial-resolution water quality information in coastal zones is limited. Nowadays, high-resolution sat ...