G.Y.H. El Serafy

25 records found

Facilitating an integrated assessment of impacts in marine multi-use

The Ocean Multi-use Assessment Framework (OMAF)

In the era of blue growth, ocean multi-use is gaining popularity for its potential environmental, economic and societal synergies. Expectations are high for multi-use applications to alleviate marine spatial allocation conflicts amongst users of the sea, and to stimulate innovati ...
This study addresses the challenges posed by climatic changes and biodiversity loss to ecosystem stability, by quantifying gross primary production (GPP) changes. An improved earth observation product is obtained by integrating in-situ and remote sensing data via data-driven mode ...
Aquaculture at sea is gaining increasing importance, not only as a (local) food source but also due to its potential of being combined with other offshore activities such as wind parks. Nevertheless, experience of offshore aquaculture is limited. This study aims to provide a fram ...
For the European Commission, the EDITO consortium is creating the European Digital Twin Ocean, a platform that integrates coastal and oceanic modelling tools with ocean observation databases and computing infrastructure. Building on EMODnet and CMEMS, EDITO Model Lab will contrib ...
The conservation, restoration and sustainable use of wetlands is the target of several international agreements, among which are the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Earth Observation (EO) technologies can assist national authorities in monitoring activities and the environm ...
Aquaculture is gaining importance in the current context of continuous growth population as a source of (local) food resources and its potential of being combined with other uses at sea (e.g.: offshore energy production or tourism). Consequently, within the European Horizon 2020 ...
The EuroGOOS Coastal working group examines the entire coastal value chain from coastal observations to services for coastal users. The main objective of the working group is to review the status quo, identify gaps and future steps needed to secure and improve the sustainability ...
Magallana gigas is a naturalized species on the north coast of Galicia (Rías Altas, Northwest Iberian Peninsula), where it was unintentionally introduced. In recent decades, a greater abundance of M. gigas has been observed on the Galician coast, expanding towards the south, reac ...
Coastal climate impact studies make increasing use of multi-source and multi-dimensional atmospheric and environmental datasets to investigate relationships between climate signals and the ecological response. The large quantity of numerically simulated data may, however, include ...
Spring phytoplankton blooms in the southern North Sea substantially contribute to annual primary production and largely influence food web dynamics. Studying long-term changes in spring bloom dynamics is therefore crucial for understanding future climate responses and predicting ...
Remote sensing and satellite imagery have become commonplace in efforts to monitor and model various biological and physical characteristics of the Earth. The land/water interface is a continually evolving landscape of high scientific and societal interest, making the mapping and ...
Water quality measures for inland and coastal waters are available as discrete samples from professional and volunteer water quality monitoring programs and higher-frequency, near-continuous data from automated in situ sensors. Water quality parameters also are estimated from mod ...
Ecosystem goods and services define and measure the importance of environmental resources for the well-being and prosperity of societies, considering complex social-ecological interactions and relationships. The management of coastal ecosystem services seeks to analyse the variou ...

3D Ensemble Simulation of Seawater Temperature

An Application for Aquaculture Operations

During the past decades, the aquaculture industry has developed rapidly, due to drop in wild fish catch. Water quality variables play major role in aquaculture operations, specifically seawater temperature has major impact on the metabolism of the fish species and therefore on th ...

A Bayesian stochastic generator to complement existing climate change scenarios

Supporting uncertainty quantification in marine and coastal ecosystems

Available climate change projections, which can be used for quantifying future changes in marine and coastal ecosystems, usually consist of a few scenarios. Studies addressing ecological impacts of climate change often make use of a low- (RCP2.6), moderate- (RCP4.5) or high clima ...
The concept of ecosystem services is gaining attention in the context of sustainable resource management. However, it is inherently difficult to account for tangible and intangible services in a combined model. The aim of this study is to extend the definition of ecosystem servic ...
This paper describes a novel sensitivity analysis method, able to handle dependency relationships between model parameters. The starting point is the popular Morris (1991) algorithm, which was initially devised under the assumption of parameter independence. This important limita ...
Prediction systems, such as the coastal ecosystem models, often incorporate complex non-linear ecological processes. There is an increasing interest in the use of probabilistic forecasts instead of deterministic forecasts in cases where the inherent uncertainties in the predictio ...
Traditionally, quantifying climate change induced uncertainty in ecological indicators requires stochastic simulation with a chain of physically-based models describing various processes such as hydrodynamics, waves, sediment transport and ecology. Such Monte Carlo based simulati ...
Spatiotemporal ecological modelling of terrestrial ecosystems relies on climatological and biophysical Earth observations. Due to their increasing availability, global coverage, frequent acquisition and high spatial resolution, satellite remote sensing (SRS) products are frequent ...