N.R. Laurey


3 records found

Explore: The Flexible Search Engine

Designing a more sophisticated way of searching

The airline industry is a complex industry. It has geographically spread employees, safety threats, partnerships with regional firms and other airlines, changing government regulations, sustainability, and flight shaming (Deloitte, 2016). Next to these complexities, the airline i ...

Pharmacy in 2030

Reshaping the daily practice

The Dutch healthcare system has reached a point of no return. Or we drastically change our behaviour and the way healthcare is delivered. Or we keep on going as we do, and the costs will be unbearable, pressure on the workers increases and access to care will become something for ...

Ecosystems in transition

Designing collaborative ecosystems to accelerate transitions

In the current moment in time, there are large societal transitions happening, such as the transition to sustainable energy or the transition towards a circular economy. Design-led transitions are societal transitions towards more sustainable futures, led by designers (Irwin, 2 ...