Thomas Kraus

5 records found


The paper proposes wrapped staring spotlight SAR, a method to extend the azimuth steering capability for phased array SAR systems. Based on two TerraSAR-X (TSX) wrapped staring spotlight example acquisitions, the image performance of point and extended and targets is discussed ...

The paper reports about a basic analysis of a distributed SAR system realized by several small satellites. The potential for Pulse Repetition Frequency (PRF) reduction and the corresponding swath width extension is discussed. It is derived how to maintain a gap-free phase cent ...

This paper proposes the wrapped staring spotlight (WSS) SAR imaging mode, which is a new method to extend the azimuth steering capability for phased array SAR to achieve either an improved azimuth geometric or radiometric resolution. It investigates the utility of steering dir ...

This contribution presents two experiments performed with the TerraSAR-X (TSX) and TanDEM-X (TDX) satellites working in the pursuit monostatic configuration. Their objective is to estimate the along-track component of the motion in the scene in repeat-pass scenarios with an ac ...

This paper discusses observations of the ocean surface using a combination of along-track SAR interferometry and the recently proposed Bidirectional SAR acquisition mode. The paper discusses the expected performance, and shows first experimental results with TanDEM-X acquisiti ...