V. Louca

3 records found

A new species of the amphipod genus Pontocrates (Boeck 1871), family Oedicerotidae, is described from Cyprus in the south-eastern Mediterranean Sea. It is a sister taxon to Pontocrates moorei (Myers & Ashelby 2022), currently recorded solely from the British Isles. It is the ...
The Port of Rotterdam is a heavily man-modified estuarine system, Europe's major seaport and home to a large number of chemical and petrochemical plants, many of which are supplied with distilled water from two demineralized water plants in Botlek and Maasvlakte. In this study, w ...
Cyprus relies on seawater desalination for a large part of its drinking water supply, with reverse osmosis providing more than 95% of the total desalination capacity in the country. Nevertheless, the environmental impacts of desalination for the Cypriot environment remain poorly ...