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9 records found


Primary nucleation control is crucial for obtaining crystals with specific properties, such as purity, size, morphology, and polymorphic form. Non-photochemical laser-induced nucleation (NPLIN) has attracted interest due to its ability to control these properties without chemi ...

Oscillatory flow in confined spaces is central to understanding physiological flows and rational design of synthetic periodic-actuation based micromachines. Using theory and experiments on oscillating flows generated through a laser-induced cavitation bubble, we associate the ...

Optofluidic devices have revolutionized the manipulation and transportation of fluid at smaller length scales ranging from micrometers to millimeters. We describe a dedicated optical setup for studying laser-induced cavitation inside a microchannel. In a typical experiment, we us ...

We demonstrate that a cavitation bubble initiated by a Nd:YAG laser pulse below breakdown threshold induces crystallization from supersaturated aqueous solutions with supersaturation and laser-energy-dependent nucleation kinetics. Combining high-speed video microscopy and simu ...

Crystallization abounds in nature and industrial practice. A plethora of indispensable products ranging from agrochemicals and pharmaceuticals to battery materials are produced in crystalline form in industrial practice. Yet, our control over the crystallization process across ...

Non-photochemical laser-induced nucleation (NPLIN) has emerged as a promising primary nucleation control technique offering spatiotemporal control over crystallization with potential for polymorph control. So far, NPLIN was mostly investigated in milliliter vials, through labo ...

Herein, we study the influences of the laser-exposed volume and the irradiation position on the nonphotochemical laser-induced nucleation (NPLIN) of supersaturated potassium chloride solutions in water. The effect of the exposed volume on the NPLIN probability was studied by e ...


Crystallization is one of the most sought after separation and purification technique in the process industries. However, the fundamental understanding on the formation of crystals poses quite a challenge due to the inherent complexity and stochasticity associated with the proces ...

Twin particles and their love-hate relationship

An experimental study on shape-dependent particle pair interactions in confined Stokes flow

This thesis describes a study into pairwise particle interactions within a Hele-Shaw geometry, using stop-flow lithography. By exposing a photoreactive mixture to a strong UV-pulse, a hydrogel is formed. The shape of this hydrogel is controlled by masking part of the light beam. ...