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A.C.J. Koeken
Academic Work (2)
Journal article (2)
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2 records found
Metal organic framework-mediated synthesis of highly active and stable Fischer-Tropsch catalysts
Journal article (2015) -
V.P. Da Costa Oliveira Santos S C (author)
T. A. Wezendonk (author)
Tim Wezendonk (author)
Tim A. Wezendonk (author)
T.A. Wezendonk (author)
A.C.J. Koeken (author)
M Ruitenbeek (author)
T Davidian (author)
GR Meima (author)
G Sankar (author)
Freek Kapteijn (author)
F. Kapteijn (author)
F Kapteijn (author)
M. Makkee (author)
M Makkee (author)
Michiel Makkee (author)
J. Gascon (author)
J. Gascon Sabate (author)
J Gascon (author)
J Gascon Sabate (author)
Jorge Gascon (author)
Jorge Gascon Sabate (author)
JJ Delgado Jaen (author)
A. Iulian Dugulan (author)
A. Iulian Iulian Dugulan (author)
A.I. Dugulan (author)
A.I. Iulian Dugulan (author)
Achim Dugulan (author)
Achim Iulian Dugulan (author)
Iulian A. Dugulan (author)
Iulian A. Iulian Dugulan (author)
Iulian Dugulan (author)
Iulian Iulian Dugulan (author)
A. Dugulan (author)
A. Iulian Dugulan (author)
A. I. Dugulan (author)
A. I. Iulian Dugulan (author)
Maxim A. Nasalevich (author)
M. Nasalevich (author)
Maxim Nasalevich (author)
H Islam (author)
A Chojecki (author)
S. Sartipi (author)
Xiaohui Sun (author)
X. Sun (author)
A. Hakeem (author)
Abrar A. Hakeem (author)
Effects of sodium and sulfur on catalytic performance of supported iron catalysts for the Fischer-Tropsch synthesis of lower olefins
Journal article (2013) -
Hirsa M. Torres Galvis (author)
HM Torres Galvis (author)
A.C.J. Koeken (author)
JH Bitter (author)
T Davidian (author)
M Ruitenbeek (author)
A.I. Dugulan (author)
Iulian A. Iulian Dugulan (author)
A. I. Iulian Dugulan (author)
Iulian Dugulan (author)
Iulian Iulian Dugulan (author)
A. Iulian Iulian Dugulan (author)
Achim Iulian Dugulan (author)
Iulian A. Dugulan (author)
A. I. Dugulan (author)
A.I. Iulian Dugulan (author)
Achim Dugulan (author)
A. Dugulan (author)
A. Iulian Dugulan (author)
A. Iulian Dugulan (author)
KP de Jong (author)