P.G. Badke-Schaub

5 records found

Challenging gender stereotypes

The application of attribution theory for boys and girls when performing a strategic design task

There seems to be a shift in gender stereotypes in general. Concerning school subjects, there are also gender role stereotypes for boys and girls. Boys seem to be more interested in mathematics and natural sciences whereas girls seem to be more motivated for language, arts and wr ...

Successful Business Model Innovation

"What is the effect of using abductive reasoning in business model innovation on successful business venturing?"

Years after the peak of the Global Financial Crisis, Europe as a theatre of business remains exposed to considerable pressures from uncertainties in the development of national economies. One key element to sustainable success in corporate venturing is the capacity of enterprises ...
Every great invention, innovative design or visionary art piece ever created started in the same way: with a blank canvas. However, you never begin a new project with a completely clean slate: besides memories, past experiences and general knowledge, all of us are constantly surr ...